
  1. This symptomless herpes virus can harm newborns, organ transplants and
hiv patient

    This symptomless herpes virus can harm newborns, organ transplants and hiv patient

    CMV belongs to the herpes virus family and can infect people of all ages. It spreads through body fluids and usually remains dormant, causing no symptoms or a mild illness characterized by fever, sore throat, fatigue, or swollen glands.But it can be risky for some people. CMV is the virus most...
  2. India, US to reactivate observation system for Indian Ocean

    India, US to reactivate observation system for Indian Ocean

    New Delhi, India and the US have decided to reactivate the Indian Ocean Observing System (IndOOS), a system of 36 moored buoys in the high seas to collect high-resolution ocean and atmospheric data for weather forecasting. There is a network.The IndOOS series of buoys fell into neglect and...