
  1. Do hormonal contraceptives increase the risk of depression? A neuroscientist explains how they affect your mood, for better or worse

    Do hormonal contraceptives increase the risk of depression? A neuroscientist explains how they affect your mood, for better or worse

    Michigan, hormonal cycles are strictly controlled by the hormones themselves. When progesterone levels increase, processes in cells are activated that stop the production of more progesterone. This is called a negative feedback loop.Estrogen and progesterone from the daily pill, or other...
  2. Women with epilepsy have to deal with hormonal fluctuations and seizures. But we're treating them like men

    Women with epilepsy have to deal with hormonal fluctuations and seizures. But we're treating them like men

    Brisbane, Globally approximately 50 million people suffer from epilepsy. Half of these are women.Until now, treatments for men and women have been the same. But men and women experience epilepsy differently.For women, hormone fluctuations – from reproductive years to pregnancy...