
  1. Novel brain surgery technique targets tough tumor at the base of the skull

    Novel brain surgery technique targets tough tumor at the base of the skull

    Tumors that occur at the base of the skull are among the most difficult to remove in neurosurgery. The current treatment method is to perform surgical removal using what is known as a microscopic anterior transpetrosal approach (ATPA).A medical research team from Osaka Metropolitan University...
  2. Micro-droplets of water can break down common minerals and form nanoparticles: IIT-M researchers

    Micro-droplets of water can break down common minerals and form nanoparticles: IIT-M researchers

    Researchers at the Indian Institute of Technology-Madras, Chennai, have shown that microscopic droplets of water can break down common minerals and form the corresponding nanoparticles. This discovery may help in enriching the deserts in the future.In their experiment, they found that...
  3. Small but mighty, plankton are some of the most powerful creatures on Earth

    Small but mighty, plankton are some of the most powerful creatures on Earth

    Plymouth (UK), if you go to the beach and dip a bucket in the ocean, the first thing you will think is that it contains dead water. But examine that water with a microscope and you will see that there is a universe of microscopic life in your bucket in the form of beautiful and fascinating...