
  1. We've discovered a gene for trust – here's how it may be linked to good health

    We've discovered a gene for trust – here's how it may be linked to good health

    Lund (Sweden), If an annoying stranger knocked on your door and asked to use your phone, would you do it? How about lending them a fiver for the bus, if they've assured you they'll come back and pay you?In today's fractured world, trust seems elusive and divisions run deep. Many people find it...
  2. Tattoos increase lymphoma risk by 21 percent – ​​new study

    Tattoos increase lymphoma risk by 21 percent – ​​new study

    Lund (Sweden), Regret was for many years considered the most serious side effect of tattoos. But my new study shows that there may be worse things to worry about.Tattoos are now a main means of expressing identity or celebrating milestones in life. Yet we know little about the long-term health...