
  1. 1 in 3 people in India suffers from fatty liver, which is pre-diabetes: Dr Jitendra Singh

    1 in 3 people in India suffers from fatty liver, which is pre-diabetes: Dr Jitendra Singh

    “Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD). It precedes diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease, and many other diseases. As an endocrinologist, I understand the nuances of fatty liver and its relationship with diabetes and other metabolic disorders. I understand,” said Dr. Jitendra, a...
  2. Limit ghee, coconut oil if you have fatty liver disease: Expert

    Limit ghee, coconut oil if you have fatty liver disease: Expert

    Fatty liver disease is related to obesity and diabetes. Excessive carbohydrate intake can increase insulin levels, and chronically high insulin levels can lead to insulin resistance. It disrupts metabolism and converts excess glucose into fatty acids, which accumulate in the liver.It can be...
  3. IISc researchers develop enzymatic platform that can convert fatty acids into hydrocarbons

    IISc researchers develop enzymatic platform that can convert fatty acids into hydrocarbons

    Bengaluru, researchers from the Department of Physical and Inorganic Chemistry, Indian Institute of Sciences, have developed an enzyme platform that can efficiently transform naturally abundant and inexpensive fatty acids into valuable hydrocarbons called 1-alkenes, which are promising biofuels...
  4. 'High tendency of insulin resistance in Indians is the main cause of fatty liver'

    'High tendency of insulin resistance in Indians is the main cause of fatty liver'

    "Studies show that, based on a combination of environmental and genetic factors, nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is prevalent in 9 to 53 percent of the general population. Currently known as Metabolically associated fatty liver disease (MAFLD), is a public health problem in India...
  5. Researchers discover new approach against fatty liver

    Researchers discover new approach against fatty liver

    Washington [US], Liver failure as a vital organ is becoming increasingly common due to fatty liver disease, often referred to as steatotic liver disease or SLD for short. Researchers have now found that a saturated fatty acid in blood vessels causes the synthesis of the signaling molecule...
  6. How fasting may help the immune system fight cancer better

    How fasting may help the immune system fight cancer better

    A new study in mice by researchers at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center (MSK) in New York has shown that fasting can help protect the body from cancer by depriving cancer cells of the nutrients they need to grow. .According to immunologist Joseph Sun, the study's senior author, "Tumors...
  7. Ultrasound key to early detection of fatty liver disease: Experts

    Ultrasound key to early detection of fatty liver disease: Experts

    Currently, the diagnosis of fatty liver disease depends primarily on a combination of patient history, physical examination, and blood tests, including liver enzyme levels and markers of liver function.However, experts said that imaging studies, such as ultrasound and fibro scans, can help...
  8. Study shows how omega-3 therapy prevents brain damage in newborn rodents

    Study shows how omega-3 therapy prevents brain damage in newborn rodents

    A study conducted by researchers at the Vagelos College of Physicians and Surgeons, Washington [US], Columbia University, showed that an injectable emulsion containing two omega-3 fatty acids present in fish oil prevented the death of newborn rodents after a disturbance in oxygen flow. Brain...
  9. Children who sit for more than 6 hours a day have a higher risk of fatty liver disease

    Children who sit for more than 6 hours a day have a higher risk of fatty liver disease

    Fatty liver disease is the buildup of harmful fat in the liver. When the condition is not caused by alcohol consumption but is associated with at least one of the five components of metabolic syndrome, it is called metabolic-associated steatotic (fatty) liver disease (MASLD)."We found that...
  10. Study sheds more light on cancer drug's ability to lower blood sugar

    Study sheds more light on cancer drug's ability to lower blood sugar

    OKLAHOMA [US], The efficacy of a drug to prevent fat accumulation in the liver – a condition that often co-exists with obesity and can result in dangerous fatty liver disease – has been demonstrated by researchers at the University of Oklahoma in their research This is further explored in, which...
  11. Palm oil scores high in ICMR-NIN's 2024 updated dietary guidelines for Indians

    Palm oil scores high in ICMR-NIN's 2024 updated dietary guidelines for Indians

    VMP New Delhi [India], May 16: To address the awareness gap regarding healthy dietary practices across different social strata, the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) and the National Institute of Nutrition Has unveiled “Dietary Guidelines for Indians-2024”. Notable highlights include the...
  12. Did you know that intermittent fasting protects against liver inflammation, liver cancer? study shows

    Did you know that intermittent fasting protects against liver inflammation, liver cancer? study shows

    Heidelberg [Germany], Fatty liver disease often causes chronic inflammation and can possibly lead to liver cancer. Scientists at the German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ) and the University of Tübingen have demonstrated in mice that intermittent fasting on a 5:2 schedule can block this...
  13. Foods to Eliminate Fatty Liver

    Foods to Eliminate Fatty Liver

    Symptoms“In the beginning, one may feel tired or experience discomfort or pain in the right side of the upper abdomen often after meals. In advanced stages, one may experience severe tenderness in the upper abdomen, loss of appetite, nausea, weakness , may experience weight loss, abdominal...
  14. 'Illness to Wellness' and ILBS caution against rising cases of liver disease, stress urgent need to create awareness

    'Illness to Wellness' and ILBS caution against rising cases of liver disease, stress urgent need to create awareness

    Illness to Wellness in collaboration with ILBS hosted a walkathon and a public lecture to commemorate World Liver Day on 20 April, in which Dr Shiv K Sarin, Director and Chancellor, ILBS, spoke on 'How to keep my liver healthy?' Gave a practical lecture titled. In the APJ Abdul Kalam Auditorium...
  15. Xantham, guar gum in curd, biscuits may increase diabetes risk: Study

    Xantham, guar gum in curd, biscuits may increase diabetes risk: Study

    Emulsifiers, the most commonly used additive, are often added to processed foods to make them appear more attractive, enhance their taste and texture, as well as increase shelf life.A study published in The Lancet Diabetes & Endocrinology linked emulsifiers, including mono- and diglycerides of...
  16. Liver diseases increasing in children due to consumption of junk food and sugar

    Liver diseases increasing in children due to consumption of junk food and sugar

    It has also become a significant concern among children aged 5-16 years. Previously, children were considered safe from this liver disease.The number of children with NAFLD has increased alarmingly by 10-33 percent in just one decade.Piyush Upadhyay, pediatric hepatologist, Ram Manohar Lohia...
  17. 'One in five people is affected by fatty liver'

    'One in five people is affected by fatty liver'

    On the occasion of World Liver Day on Friday, he stressed the need to raise awareness and take proactive measures to tackle the growing health crisis.The liver's vital role in detoxification, nutrient processing and metabolism underlines its indispensable function in maintaining overall...
  18. Why is it important to keep your liver healthy?

    Why is it important to keep your liver healthy?

    World Liver Day is celebrated every year on 19 April to raise awareness about liver related diseases.A worrying trend in recent years is the rise of fatty liver disease, which is increasingly affecting youth and adolescents. According to health experts, sedentary lifestyle along with...
  19. Why is excess sugar and oil as dangerous for the liver as alcohol?

    Why is excess sugar and oil as dangerous for the liver as alcohol?

    World Liver Day is celebrated every year on 19 April to highlight the importance of a healthy liver for the normal functioning of the body. This year's theme is 'Be alert, get regular liver checkups and prevent fatty liver diseases'.The liver acts as the body's warehouse, processing everything...