
  1. New study shows there is no direct relationship between body mass and brain size

    New study shows there is no direct relationship between body mass and brain size

    New Delhi: A bigger body does not always necessarily mean a bigger brain, said a research team that found a disproportionate relationship between the two.For more than a century, scientists have thought that the larger an animal is, the brain is proportionally larger — a "linear" or...
  2. Why did primates evolve such large brains? First study of its kind says it wasn't for finding food

    Why did primates evolve such large brains? First study of its kind says it wasn't for finding food

    Auckland, Because of our larger brains, humans and non-human primates are more intelligent than most mammals. But why do some species evolve larger brains in the first place?The leading hypothesis for how primates evolved to have larger brains involves a feedback loop: Smarter animals use...
  3. Dinosaurs were smart reptiles, not as intelligent as monkeys, findings contradict earlier findings

    Dinosaurs were smart reptiles, not as intelligent as monkeys, findings contradict earlier findings

    New Delhi: Dinosaurs were "more like clever giant crocodiles", but not as intelligent as monkeys, according to new research, as an earlier study had found.In a study published in January 2023, author Suzanne Herculano-Houzel, a neuroscientist at Vanderbilt University in the US, said that...