
  1. More than 6,500 teenage girls die in childbirth every year across South Asia: Study

    More than 6,500 teenage girls die in childbirth every year across South Asia: Study

    Kathmandu, Every year, about 6,500 adolescent girls in South Asia die in childbirth and most of them are minors who have limited power over their reproductive health or lives, according to a joint analysis by UNICEF, WHO and UNFPA.In South Asia there are 290 million child brides, almost half...
  2. Nearly 6,500 adolescent girls die during childbirth every year in South Asia: UN

    Nearly 6,500 adolescent girls die during childbirth every year in South Asia: UN

    Experts from the agencies discussed this at a two-day regional dialogue on teenage pregnancy jointly organized by SAARC, UNICEF Regional Office for South Asia (UNICEF ROSA), United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) and the World Health Organization (WHO) in Kathmandu, Nepal.At the event...
  3. Childhood stress linked to earlier drug use in adolescence: Study

    Childhood stress linked to earlier drug use in adolescence: Study

    Early life stress is children's experiences of abuse, neglect, and conflict.Traumatic events may increase the risk of substance abuse for men, while environmental stress and early puberty may increase the risk for women, according to the study presented at 'ENDO 2024', the Endocrine Society's...
  4. Millions of people who currently smoke became addicted as teenagers – and nicotine marketing still targets teens just as it did decades ago.

    Millions of people who currently smoke became addicted as teenagers – and nicotine marketing still targets teens just as it did decades ago.

    Melbourne: Nearly 37 million children aged 13 to 15 use tobacco worldwide, according to a 2024 World Health Organization report.In 2023, e-cigarettes were the most commonly used tobacco product in the US, with 7.7 percent of middle school and high school students using e-cigarettes. Cigarettes...
  5. India hosts side event on women, children, adolescent health in Geneva; Union Health Secretary outlines commitment to implement proactive actions

    India hosts side event on women, children, adolescent health in Geneva; Union Health Secretary outlines commitment to implement proactive actions

    New Delhi [India], India launched an additional program on women, children and adolescents' health in collaboration with Norway, the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF), the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) and the Partnership for Maternal, Newborn and Child Health. Have done. Health...
  6. India hosts event on women, children's health at World Health Assembly

    India hosts event on women, children's health at World Health Assembly

    New Delhi: Union Health Secretary Apoorva Chandra on Thursday underlined India's commitment to implement proactive actions for the health and well-being of women, children and adolescents, an official statement said.Chandra was speaking at a side event organized by India in collaboration with...
  7. 'India is committed to working for the health and well-being of women, children and adolescents'

    'India is committed to working for the health and well-being of women, children and adolescents'

    He was speaking at a side event organized by India on women, children and adolescent health at the WHA.Chandra, who is leading the Indian delegation to the WHA, underlined "India's commitment" to implement proactive actions for the health and well-being of women, children and adolescents.He...
  8. Menstrual hygiene management is need of the hour: ASSOCHAM CSR Council Chairperson

    Menstrual hygiene management is need of the hour: ASSOCHAM CSR Council Chairperson

    Putting forward the facts and figures related to this very important issue, she said, “The effectiveness of menstrual hygiene management is an area that receives less attention than desired. The National Family Health Survey reveals that about 22.7 per cent of women in India do not use sanitary...
  9. New WHO report calls for increased investment in adolescent well-being

    New WHO report calls for increased investment in adolescent well-being

    The report released at the 77th World Health Assembly was initiated by PMNC (The Partnership for Maternal, Newborn and Child Health) and other global agencies such as WHO, UNICEF and UNFPA.The report states that failure to substantially increase investments aimed at improving the well-being...