
  1. X chromosome gene essential for sperm cell development, male fertility, new study says

    X chromosome gene essential for sperm cell development, male fertility, new study says

    Researchers from Hyderabad, city-based CSIR-Centre for Cellular and Molecular Biology and other institutes have for the first time identified that an X chromosome gene (TEX13B) is essential for sperm cell development and male fertility.Nearly one in seven couples worldwide is infertile...
  2. Can IVF prevent the risk of thalassemia?

    Can IVF prevent the risk of thalassemia?

    With their second child, the 33- and 35-year-old couple from Saharanpur, Uttar Pradesh, hoped to provide a matching donor for their first child, a 3-year-old boy, and cure the disorder through a stem-cell transplant .However, to ensure a healthy second child, they opted for in vitro...