The screenshot shared by Ali Schwanke, founder of Simply Straight on X, shows a LinkedIn message from the CEO of Optima Solutions, asking him not to lay off his company's employees.

Poaching is the act of actively recruiting an employee who already works for another company, usually by offering higher pay or greater incentives.

In a LinkedIn message to Schwanke, the CEO of Optima Solutions wrote, "Your first and only warning is not to try to grab my employees, otherwise you'll have N employees yourself."

This post has been viewed almost two million times since it was shared. Pose also collected reactions from several users, including some other CEOs.

"If you know each other personally I can understand, and in that situation I'd be like, 'Dude, why are you trying to take over my people?!' But aggression is something,” wrote Kat Nunn, CEO of software company Stark.

To which Schwanke said: "Right? I haven't talked to anyone before or heard of his company. Maybe someone follows my YouTube channel or podcast."