London, Experts often highlight social media and tough economic times as the main reasons why young people are unhappy. And while those factors are important, I'd like to emphasize another.

The younger generation has less freedom and independence than the previous generation. The area where children are allowed to roam outside unsupervised has shrunk by 90% since the 1970s.

Parents are increasingly organizing entertainment for their children – from play dates and sports and music classes to family cinema trips – rather than letting them arrange it themselves.Perhaps this may help explain recent reports that many teenagers today prefer to stay hidden in their bedrooms. Childhood's lack of independence is not simply the result of parental control. Society's expectations and school policies also have a great influence.

It is important to note that barriers to freedom often arise from good intentions, such as security concerns (e.g. location tracking) or cultural norms. Obviously, no one wants to be the parent who lets their child take (perceived) risks if others don't do the same.But there are also risks to overprotecting children. This may inadvertently hinder their psychological development. Emotional, social and cognitive effects

Psychologist Jean Piaget emphasized the importance of exploration in cognitive development in the 1950s. He said that children build their understanding of the world through active engagement with their environment. By restricting children's freedom to explore and take age-appropriate risks, we deprive them of opportunities for intellectual curiosity and innovation.Lack of independence can undermine young people's sense of agency and control over their lives. And research in psychology consistently shows that when people, young or old, feel powerless and constrained by external forces such as parental supervision or societal expectations, it can lead to despair, helplessness, and low self-esteem.

Furthermore, lack of autonomy limits youth's opportunities for self-discovery, creativity, and personal development. When children are given constant guidance and supervision, they miss out on invaluable experiences in problem-solving, decision making, and learning from mistakes.

Decreased independence can have effects on social and emotional development.Children may get love, support and attention in the family. But spending too much time with parents can lead to difficulty forming relationships with peers who do not provide the same unconditional love and support. In fact, when children are constantly surrounded by adults and structured activities, they May struggle to develop meaningful relationships, perseverance and resilience. Research highlights the importance of peer interactions in shaping social competence and emotional intelligence. After all, parents may not need you to sympathize with them, but friends will.By organizing play dates and entertainment, parents may inadvertently limit their children's ability to navigate social dynamics. This will include learning empathy and developing independent interpersonal skills. It will also set an expectation that children will internalize the idea that "parents will do things I don't want to do" – leading to further underachievement.

Lack of independence can also contribute to feelings of boredom, restlessness, and isolation. Humans need to engage in activities that challenge and capture our attention, leading to feelings of fulfillment and happiness.When children are constantly entertained and supervised, they have difficulty finding activities that naturally spark their interest and provide a sense of purpose and enjoyment. This is important. In defining happiness, positive psychology emphasizes the emotional aspect, such as experiencing positive emotions, and the cognitive aspect, which includes a feeling of overall satisfaction with one's life, including meaning and purpose.

Research has shown that parenting that supports autonomy, encouraging children to make their own decisions and take responsibility for their actions, is linked to better psychological well-being in adolescents.

In contrast, excessive parental control is associated with higher levels of emotional distress and lower levels of life satisfaction in adolescents.The school environment also plays an important role. Zero-tolerance policies, strict disciplinary measures and standardized testing are common. Excessively harsh and punitive disciplinary practices are associated with decreased intrinsic motivation and academic engagement among students.

Recent developments in response to security concerns, such as increased monitoring and surveillance within schools, further interfere with students' autonomy and freedom. Metal detectors, security cameras and random searches ultimately create an environment of surveillance and control.Age-appropriate independenceEvidence supports the idea that freedom and independence are important for young people's happiness and well-being.

There are many ways to give your children age-appropriate independence. For example, a five-year-old child may be allowed and encouraged to put butter on his toast, make his bed, or play alone in the garden. Meanwhile, a 10-year-old should be able to walk himself to and from school, be responsible for his homework, and keep his own space neat and clean.

And when children reach the age of 15, you can have them cook meals for your family, do laundry, and travel independently to school, clubs, or friends' houses instead of being driven by their parents. Can encourage you to make arrangements.It may also be useful to refuse to provide entertainment from time to time, allowing them to do something on their own. Children are amazingly creative and if there is nothing to do, they will eventually think of something. This can also apply to play dates. It's okay to invite the child's friend over without any specific entertainment in mind.

Moving forward, it is essential to foster environments that promote autonomous self-expression and independent learning both at home and in educational institutions to support the growth and happiness of youth.(talk) amsms