New Delhi, On World Environment Day, National Green Tribunal Chairperson Justice Prakash Srivastava underlined the need for environmental protection practices like planting trees to restore land quality and build a sustainable future.

Justice Srivastava highlighted the importance of land restoration, preventing desertification and building capacity to deal with drought, saying, “Land degradation and desertification threaten our ecosystems, food security and livelihoods, especially in the face of climate change and increasing "due to human or man-made interference."

He said, "We must commit ourselves to planting more trees, reducing water consumption and supporting environmental protection practices. Together, we can restore the quality of the land, protect our environment and We can build a sustainable future for future generations." Message.He said land quality is at risk due to mismanagement of waste disposal, desertification due to large-scale deforestation and disturbance of soil integrity and overexploitation of groundwater leading to drought and other environmental consequences.

“By restoring degraded lands, enhancing soil fertility and promoting biodiversity, we can combat these challenging issues and improve agricultural productivity,” the NGT chairman said.

World Environment Day is celebrated every year on 5 June to create awareness about environmental protection and sustainable development.

"Sustainable land use practices, reforestation and effective water management are essential to prevent desertification, while building resilience against drought requires water conservation, drought-resistant crops and better early warning systems," he said.

Justice Srivastava said the most important aspect is to effectively enforce environmental laws and regulations.