Kangana Ranaut, BJP candidate from Mandi (Himachal Pradesh), Himachal Pradesh's Mandi Lok Sabha constituency, took a dig at the Bollywood industry and said it would be a "very rare sight" for her to have a "sanatani" outlook while working in a "Khan-dominated" industry. Am. Addressing a press conference in Mandi, Himachal Pradesh, Kangana highlighted films like 'Uri: The Surgical Strike' and 'Manikarnika', while also collaborating with Pakistani actors on the attack on soldiers in Uri. Pointed to the "silence" maintained. Responding to her earlier comment that "Bollywood people think like Pakistan", the actor-turned-politician said, "When Indian soldiers were killed during the URI attack, no one from Bollywood talked. Moreover, They were collaborating with artists." Pakistan.Is it the sole responsibility of soldiers to sacrifice for the country? At that time, I only demanded a ban on Pakistani artists. 'There are very few people who make films like 'URI: The Surgical Strike'. 'Manikarnika'. Working with a 'Sanatani' mindset is a very rare sight in a Khan-dominated industry," he added. Also, earlier in the day, speaking to ANI, Kangana highlighted the issues of her constituency and said "M.P. She also expressed her desire to win the "Best Award of the Year" and talked about her achievements as an actor, winning prestigious awards like the Padma Shri. Speaking to ANI, Kangana Ranaut said, "If If I become a Member of Parliament from Mandi, I will present the issues of Mandi in the Parliament.I have won many awards like National Award and Padmashree. I will be very happy if I get the MP of the Year award. "There are many issues regarding apples. There are cold storage problems in some places, import duty issues in some parts. In your party or in promises, Modi's guarantees are taken very seriously, I don't think in other parties. also has such strict protocols that we have.'' She further said, ''Emergency will release soon, I am shooting a film with Madhavan, I will resume it.'' In her first bid for Lower House membership, she was supported by Congress veteran It is facing a big challenge in the form of Vikramaditya Singh, son of leader and late former Chief Minister Virbhadra Singh. Mandi constituency holds symbolic importance for the Congress. It is considered the stronghold of Virbhadra family. The seat is currently held by the late leader's widow Pratibha Devi Singh, who had won the seat for the Congress in the by-election held after the demise of then BJP leader M Ram Swaroop.Sharma The voting to be held on June 1 in Himachal will not only field candidates for Lok Sabha membership from four seats, but will also elect members for three assembly seats left vacant after the resignation and switchover of disgruntled Congress MLAs. The BJP, which won all the four Lok Sabha seats in the state in the 2019 elections, is eyeing victory again this time.