This transformation has been made possible by 'Aqua School', a unique initiative of Transform Rura India (TRI), which aims to empower women farmers.

According to an official release, through these 'Aqua Schools', TRI's main objective is to revolutionize fish farming practices, increase productivity within the sector and promote aquaculture.

The initiative also includes extensive capacity building programmes, where women farmers receive access to ponds and technical assistance from TRI facilitators. Subsequent training in aqua schools equips them with the necessary skills in fisheries management.

About 100 women farmers have already benefited from this project.This program will soon be extended to more villages. “As part of the initiative we are providing support for services like water testing, supply of fish food, marketing assistance and help in construction of artificial ponds for demonstration purposes,” the release said.

'Aqua Schools' are part of TRI's commitment to bring multidimensional transformation in rural communities.

Gaurav Mishra, Director of Operations, TRI, says, “We not only help villagers find innovative livelihood opportunities, but we also train them in maintaining and marketing their product or service, as well as market and distribution assistance. Are."

The collaboration between TRI and local farmers not only enhances financial output, but also contributes significantly to socio-economically empowering women in the region, enabling them to adopt innovative technologies in financial farming.For example, Ram Rani, a farmer associated with Gram Panchayat Urra Gulra SHG, has reused unused land near her house for the biofloc model in fish farming.

To build a 25x25 feet pond on vacant land, the cost was Rs 5,000 for digging, Rs 50 for lime, Rs 300 for cow dung manure and Rs 1,500 for cake (mustard cake).

Fish seeds for the pond were provided by TRI. Ram Rani adds: “Now, our pond holds 50-60 kg of fish, which has an estimated worth of at least Rs 15,000. Currently, we are considering further expansion.,

Apart from traditional fish farming, 'Aqua Schools' also encourage farmers to adopt integrated farming practices, which include makhana chestnut or lotus cultivation as well as poultry and duck rearing as pond-based activities. Is.

Furthermore, the boundaries of the ponds are used to grow seasonal vegetables and flowers, which contributes to sustainable income generation.

“We had support for both agriculture and fisheries, and when we sell our produce or enjoy it at home, it is very nutritious and everyone in the family also remains healthy,” says Manju Devi. Who had benefited from the establishment of Aqua School. around his village.

“We also raised fish and produced food through this initiative. When we raise fish, we use some as food for our family, and the rest we are able to sell.The best part is that we were able to grow both food and fish through this support,” she said.

Transform Rural India are solution designers working to transform India's 100,000 rural villages into prosperous, self-reliant communities. His dream is a rural India where everyone gets equal opportunity to move forward.

Working primarily in Jharkhand, Bihar, UP and MP, they design state-level projects and youth programmes, while also actively engaging with women and rural communities.