The treaty marks the beginning of the journey to achieve collective development and fulfill the promise of a sustainable future that India has championed for centuries, the ministry said in a statement.

It adds, "For the first time, ATK's relationship between local communities and their GRs has been recognized in the global IP community."

This treaty will not only protect and preserve biodiversity but also increase transparency in the patent system and strengthen innovation.

Through this treaty, the IP system can continue to encourage innovation while developing in a more inclusive way, responding to the needs of all countries and their communities.

The treaty also marks a major victory for India and the Global South which has been a long-time supporter of the instrument.

The treaty has been adopted by the consensus of more than 15 countries in multilateral fora after two decades of negotiations and collective advocacy.

"The Treaty upon ratification and entry into force will require the contracting parties to have mandatory disclosure obligations for the patent applicant to disclose the country of origin or source of the genetic resources when the claimed invention is based on genetic resources or related traditional knowledge, The ministry explained in detail.

Currently, only 35 countries have some form of disclosure obligations, most are not mandatory and do not have appropriate restrictions or measures in place for effective implementation.

"This treaty will require contracting parties, including developed countries, to make changes to their existing legal frameworks to impose disclosure of origin obligations on patent applicants," the ministry said.