And what will be the way forward for the United Kingdom, hit by serious internal challenges for more than a decade, let alone by the volatile global environment?

People will turn out to vote for a new government on Thursday, in what will be a litmus test for both Prime Minister Sunak and Starmer in their first election contest as leaders, amid significant public disenchantment over the state of the economy. and the fall in living standards. and governance issues.

While the results of recent regional polls and pre-election polls indicate a landslide Labor victory, the party itself has warned its members and supporters against complacency and urged them to continue their efforts. On the other hand, the Conservatives, under Sunak, the party's third prime minister since the 2019 election, remain aggressive as they make a last-ditch effort.

Polls show an advantage for Labor. According to a BBC poll tracker, as of July 1, based on 20 polls conducted by members of the British Electoral Council, the Labor Party is projected to win an average of 40 percent of the vote (35 to 45 percent). , down from a high of 45 percent as of June 1. On the other hand, the Conservatives are estimated to win 20 percent (15 to 25 percent), up from 24 percent on June 1.

Similar to the right-wing wave sweeping Europe, as seen in the victory of Marine Le-Pen's National Rally in both the European Parliament and the first round of the French National Assembly elections, Alternative's advances for Democracy (AfD) in Germany, and the performance of Geert Wilders' PVV in the recent elections in Holland, Reform UK, which had defended Brexit, is in third position.

The party led by Nigel Farage is expected to win 16 percent of the vote (13 to 19 percent), not far behind the Conservatives, even as two of its candidates defected to the Conservatives over "rampant racism" in the match, while three were removed due to their "offensive comments", including against Sunak, the UK's first non-white prime minister.

In fourth place are the Liberal Democrats, with 11 percent (between 8 and 14 percent), although they are trying to retain their number three position. Party boss Sir Ed Davey indulged in his first bungee jump on Tuesday as he called on voters to come forward and support his party while affirming his mission to uproot the Tories. The party, which helped the Conservatives come to power in 2010 by forming a coalition with them, has now ruled out such an eventuality. However, he is open to linking up with the Labor Party.

Next are the Greens with 6 percent of the vote (3 to 9 percent), followed by the regional parties, the Scottish National Party (Scotland) with 3 percent (2 to 4 percent) and Plaid Cymru (Wales). ) with 1 percent. .

The final days of the contest have the two main parties in full attack mode. Prime Minister Sunak is extolling his own record in his brief period in power and warning against the "dangers" of a Labor government and the implications of his proposed fiscal policies. On the other hand, Starmer, with the party's motto "Change. Be part of it", emphasizes the need to eliminate the current dispensation and at the same time clarifies the party's position on sensitive issues such as taxes, immigration and prison reforms .

However, many voters remain distant.

While there are many who blame the Conservatives, in power since 2010, for most of the current economic and social ills - especially the long waiting lists for the National Health Service (NHS), despised like the Brexit episode , the antics – and attempted cover-ups – of Prime Minister Boris Johnson during the Covid lockdown and the rapid change of leadership, the Labor Party is not an automatic alternative.

The party, seen as even much less radical now than under Jeremy Corbyn after Starmer took power in 2020 and, by his own admission, “reformed” it, also has to address the trust deficit.

Some voters, including those of South Asian origin, admit that they see no difference between the two parties in addressing their concerns and problems, despite all the rhetoric and promises contained in the campaign and manifestos.

No matter who wins, the task of overcoming inherited social and economic problems, the trend of distrust in the main parties, the growing rise of far-right populists - like Europe - and, finally, finding the UK's place post-EU in the world. There will be significant and long-lasting challenges.