He said that the tourism sector is facing serious challenges due to the faulty policies of the government.

“The delegation of Travel and Tourism Association of Goa (TTAG) met me and highlighted their problems and also raised concerns about the proposed Tourism Bill. I will strongly raise the concerns of tourism stakeholders in the Assembly session,” said LOP Alemao.

He said TTAG has submitted a memorandum highlighting various issues faced by the tourism sector.

“Accordingly, this Bill will do nothing to improve tourism in Goa, but will destroy the industry. The Bill talks more about fines, penalties, fines and fees which will increase the costs of the tourism sector,” the LOP said

He said stakeholders have also raised issues like high taxation, imposition of development and sustainability fees and many other issues.

“The BJP government has destroyed the mining industry in Goa. Now they want to end the tourism industry. I will raise this issue in the upcoming assembly session and seek clarification from the state government,” said LOP Alemao.