Geneva [Switzerland], The World Health Organization has launched an 'investment round' aiming to raise funds of US $ 7 billion. It comes ahead of the 77th World Health Assembly, which begins on Monday at the headquarters of the 194-member-strong United States agency. WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said on Sunday that the increased commitment would add $11.1 billion to the agency's budget. Billion US dollars will be contributed. Billions of dollars over four years from 2025 to 2028 “The WHO investment round targets US$7 billion over four years to support countries to respond to these challenges” Have to mobilize,” Ghebreyesus posted on Twitter while addressing a media briefing last week. The chief said the 'Investment Round' is designed to ensure that voluntary contributions, which currently make up the majority of WHO funding, will be more predictable, flexible and sustainable "Our new investment case shows WHO's need for progress. Why and how advocacy is essential to global health and saving millions of lives. It will be launched during the assembly on 28 May." Tedros said the 77th World Health Assembly is being held in Geneva from May 27 to June with the theme "Health for all, for all." The investment round is a result of recommendations from the WHO Working Group on Sustainable Financing and This strategy, approved at the 154th meeting of the WHO Executive Board in January 2024, will secure funding for Brazil's 14th General Program of Action, announced as part of its G20 presidency. The country will host high-level events, including a leaders' summit in November, to support the investment round and unite countries to join the initiative, Qatar's Health Minister Dr Hanan Mohammed Al Kuwari announced. .The investment round raised USD 4 million in fully flexible funds, and intends to contribute further “Health care is a fundamental human right and we must continue to invest in the World Health Organization to protect our health. Unity in your success Is the key." Dr Mohammed Al Kuwari said France, Germany and Norway have announced that they will serve as co-hosts for th investment round, according to a WHO statement. The World Health Assembly is the decision-making body of WHO. It is attended by delegations from all WHO member states and focuses on a specific health agenda drawn up by the Executive Board.At last week's media briefing, the WHO chief said that during the assembly, the UN agency would launch a new global health strategy - which has been developed. I have partnered with 194 Member States and partners – setting a course to get the world back on track to achieving the health-related Sustainable Development Goals.