Unnao (UP), In a veiled attack on the BJP over Prime Minister Narendra Modi's 'mangalsutra' comment, SP leader Dimple Yadav on Wednesday said the party should answer "who snatched the mangalsutra of the wives of soldiers killed in Pulwama".

The Samajwadi Party leader was referring to Modi's allegations at an election rally that if Congress came to power, it would redistribute wealth to Muslims and cited former Prime Minister Manmohan Singh's statement that the minority community had a say in the country's resources. Was the first claim. ,

"They will not even spare your 'Mangalsutra'," Modi had said in Banswara, Rajasthan.

SP and Congress are part of the opposition Indian bloc and are contesting the Lok Sabha elections together in Uttar Pradesh.

"Those who talk about mangalsutra should also talk about the Pulwama incident, our soldiers were martyred and their wives' mangalsutra was snatched away from them," Yadav said at a rally here in support of SP candidate Annu Tandon.

"These people should answer who was behind the Pulwama incident? What did the government do about this incident?" Dimple Yadav, wife of SP chief Akhilesh Yadav, said this without taking anyone's name.

More than 40 Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF) personnel were killed after their vehicle convoy was attacked in Jammu and Kashmir's Pulwama in February 2019 ahead of the general elections.

Yadav, the sitting MP from Mainpuri, accused the Modi government of snatching jobs and employment from the youth.

Today the country is engaged in the fight to save democracy. All sections of the society are being intimidated by the Enforcement Directorate and no one is being respected. He said that the country's wealth is being distributed among a few capitalists.

Yadav also participated in the nomination rally of the Unnao SP candidate and appealed to the people to ensure his victory from the seat.