New Delhi, On the eve of 'World No Tobacco Day', WHO Regional Director for South East Asia Saima Wajed said children and adolescents in the region are regularly exposed to digital marketing of tobacco products despite preventive policies and regulations. Expressed concern.

A generational tobacco ban leading to a “tobacco-free generation” would be a major step forward for the region, Wazed said.

“The fight against tobacco in South-East Asia is particularly important for us. The targeting of youth by the tobacco industry is rampant in our Member States. As a result, we have a very worrying 11 million teenagers who use various tobacco products. are doing.“Together with the approximately 411 million adult tobacco users in our region, we unfortunately have the highest number of adolescent and adult users globally,” VZ said in a statement.

He said the tobacco industry aggressively attracts youth by introducing new nicotine and tobacco products such as electronic cigarettes and heated tobacco products that are becoming increasingly popular among youth in the region.

This billion-dollar industry recruits new tobacco users to provide even greater profits to its investors. Waze said that to achieve this, it preys on children and teenagers through marketing tactics, targeting them with new products.

He said, “It is worrying that children and teenagers are being regularly exposed to digital marketing of tobacco products.This is happening despite there being policies and rules to stop it."

“This situation is likely to get worse, as young people spend more time on social media and other similar platforms,” Vazde said, highlighting that the industry is being dominated by personalized and targeted advertising here, which is at a disadvantage. are being exposed.

The theme of World No Tobacco Day this year is 'Protecting children from tobacco industry interference'.

The tobacco industry is rapidly launching new products and using every means to increase market share before the regulations come into effect, he said.

It continues to oppose evidence-based measures, such as excise duty increases, and comprehensive restrictions on tobacco advertising, promotion and sponsorship.The WHO regional director said the companies also threaten legal action against governments trying to protect the health of their citizens.

Wajed said that the response of governments and institutions in this matter is slow.

"Our efforts have been complicated by rapid changes in the tobacco industry's marketing strategies," he said. In letter and spirit.

Furthermore, there is an urgent need for the necessary tools and support to facilitate monitoring and implementation of WHO FCTC recommendations in 'online' settings, he said.

“Our goal for our youth is clear.We want to prevent and reduce tobacco consumption, nicotine addiction and exposure to new tobacco products. To do this, we need a multi-stakeholder approach to formulating and implementing laws, policies, regulations and administrative measures. ,” WHO South-East ASI director said.

"This approach needs to cast a wide net. We must engage with all relevant government departments, United Nations and intergovernmental organizations, civil society, the private sector, academia and the community, including students, teachers and parents," he said.,

A generational tobacco ban would be a major step forward for the region, Wazed stressed, adding, “To do this, WHO will use the FCTC as a legally binding international instrument by all our Member States.” should be recognized." This ban will require effective implementation of existing policies, including tobacco industry interference and combating institutional corruption associated with the illicit tobacco trade."