New Delhi [India], Delhi Bharatiya Janata Party media chief Praveen Shankar Kapoor said Aam Aadmi Party leader Atishi will not have to tell before the court who asked her to join the BJP. This comes after the Delhi court issued summons on Tuesday. The Additional Chief Metropolitan Magistrate of the Rouse Avenue Court on Tuesday issued summons to Atishi, asking her to appear in the court on June 29 in a defamation case filed by Delhi BJP for defamatory statements made by Delhi BJP minister Atishi earlier against the party. Asked for. Delhi BJP media head Praveen Shankar Kapoor has filed a defamation complaint against Atishi and Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal. Speaking about the matter, Delhi BJP (media head) Praveen Shankar Kapoor said, "In the last two and a half years, we have seen that whenever the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) gets embroiled in corruption cases, the party continuously claims It has been said that efforts are being made to topple their government or break their MLAs.'' In this connection, on April 2, Delhi government minister Atishi had given a statement that BJP has invited people to join the party through such a person. Those who were personally close to him were contacted and efforts were being made to break the party.After which, on the same day, BJP gave a legal notice to Atishi to apologize. However, when he did not apologise, we filed a defamation case in the court," the BJP media chief said. "And in the same case, on Tuesday, the Additional Chief Metropolitan Magistrate booked Atishi as an accused in the case on June 29." Summons issued to. , Atishi will have to tell the court who asked him to join BJP. Lies can be limited to some extent. Now is the time to bring out the truth,” he said, “[{8ed714ae-ea4c-444c-86a3-2098ced92a4a:intradmin/ANI-20240528122614.jpg} Praveen Shankar Kapoor's lawyer Suvendu Mukherjee also spoke on the mat And said, “Today the Additional Chief Metropolitan Magistrate of Rouse Avenue Court has summoned Atishi Marlena for making derogatory statements against BJP and its leaders. "The defamation complaint was filed by Praveen Shankar Kapoor, who is the media head of the BJP in Delhi. In the complaint, it is noted that two defamatory statements were made by Atishi Marlena and Arvind Kejriwal, the two accused persons in the case,' ' He said, 'The allegations relate to 2 defamatory statements, the first statement was made in January 2024, in which it was alleged that AAP MLAs were offered Rs 2 crore each to switch sides and come to BJP. Was,'' said the lawyer.He further said, "The second statement was given in April, in which it was alleged that BJP had tried to make fake arrests and fake raids so that AA would break and AAP MLAs would join BJP." Based on that whenever complaints have been made against AAP MLAs or AAP leaders, be it Delhi Jal Board scam, liquor scam, or school classroom scam, AA leaders have attempted to divert attention, create a false narrative. Earlier, Atishi said on Monday that Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal has filed a petition in the Supreme Court seeking extension of his interim bail by seven days in the alleged case. Liquor policy. Atishi said that Kejriwal's weight loss is a matter of concern for the doctors. Kejriwal was released from Delhi's Tihar Jail on May 10, 50 days after he was jailed on corruption charges linked to the alleged liquor policy scam and an hour after the Supreme Court granted him bail. After his release from jail on June 1, Kejriwal has joined the India Bloc's campaign for the ongoing Lok Sabha elections.Kejriwal was arrested by the Enforcement Directorate in the excise policy case on March 21, days after the election schedule for the general elections. WA announced that the bail is applicable till June 1 and Kejriwal will have to surrender before the authority on June 2. He participates in the election campaign but cannot be present in his Chief Minister's office. While imposing some conditions while granting interim bail to Kejriwal, the apex court said that it will do so. Do not interact with any witnesses or have access to any official files related to the case.The 2024 Lok Sabha elections are being held in seven phases, in a six-week marathon from April 19 to June 1. Counting and results will be announced on June 4.