New Delhi [India], Against the backdrop of recent crises, such as the COVID-19 pandemic, health officials from the WHO South-East Asia Region, along with experts and partner agencies, met here this week and a regional Discussed strategy. Outline of action to engage communities, build their resilience to public health emergencies and address other health challenges at the annual Regional Forum on Community Engagement and Resilience. “Strengthening WHO's partnerships with communities to enhance health outcomes and prevent emergencies is a top priority,” said Saima Wajed, WHO Regional Director for South-East Asia. He further highlighted the need to increase investments in health security and health system resilience. The Regional Director said, “In this context, risk communication and information-related management, carried out through the agency of active and empowered communities, are the cornerstone of enhancing community resilience." He also underlined the importance of these public health interventions and said that "These have made it clear that risk communication and "Informative Management and Proactive Role." Different actors in a community can play roles in an often complex and confusing information ecosystem, which are in fact essential components of a comprehensive response to health emergencies. At the three-day event, health officials and experts reviewed the draft 'Strategic action framework to enhance community engagement and resilience in health emergencies in the WHO South-East Asia Region (2024-2027)'. The Strategic Action Framework aims to guide a community-centred approach to health emergency risk management. Before deliberating on the new strategic action framework, officials and health experts participated in an intensive and operational two-day training.Information management informatics deals with abundance. Regardless of accuracy, information management during disease outbreaks and other public health emergencies requires a multidisciplinary and multidisciplinary approach, including identifying and addressing public concerns, combating misinformation and disinformation. This includes filling information gaps and working closely with partners and communities. The decision-making process ensures that the intervention is acceptable, accessible and sustainable. At its core must be locally tailored solutions tailored to local needs, to local socio-economic realities and health vulnerabilities." The region, which is home to more than a quarter of the global population, is vulnerable to infectious diseases and natural Faces many health emergencies, including disasters.Environmental factors exacerbate these challenges, increasing the spread of respiratory and vector-borne diseases. Apart from this, the region is also struggling with increasing diseases. The burden of non-communicable diseases puts further pressure on health care resources during the crisis.