VMP New Delhi [India], May 23: WhizHack, India's leading vertically integrated cybersecurity organization, is proud to announce the integration of Dynamic Intelligent Shifting Sensors (DISS) into its flagship product, Trace. This unprecedented progress strengthens WhizHack's mission to build a completely self-reliant, digitally secure India. Trace, part of WhizHack's ZeroHack suite, is an innovative threat reconnaissance and classification engine that uses advanced deception techniques to proactively identify advanced cyber threats. By generating intelligence through decoy sensors, TRACE aggregates and analyzes threat data in a centralized collector, providing actionable insights and analysis to security analysts and network administrators. According to IBM Security, 2,365 cyberattacks affected more than 343 million victims in 2023, highlighting the need for robust threat protection.Intelligence sources such as TRACE research by the SANS Institute show that 72% of organizations consider threat intelligence important for proactive defense. TRACE, with its DISS integration, anticipates future attacks and dynamically adjusts to emerging threats in real time. TRAC stands apart from other market solutions by providing specially designed sensors capable of operating in IT and air-gapped OT environments. It uses self-healing fraud software with advanced morphing sensor technology to avoid honeypot detection by the best hackers. Trace USP also includes specialized packet analysis engine inside each Trace sensor to capture real-time data through Deep Packet Inspection (DPI).One of the key features of these sensors is the ability to rebuild themselves if compromised, with the integration of DISS, TRACE now provides a proactive defense mechanism that marks a significant advancement in cybersecurity strategy. DISS DynamicAll adjusts sensor services across the entire network infrastructure, making it extremely challenging for attackers to discover vulnerabilities. Unlike state security, DISS constantly changes its properties, confusing adversaries and disrupting potential threats before they materialize. Operating covertly within the network, DISS enhances overall security without being detected Sanjay Sengupta – CTO, Whizzac Technologies said, “To defeat a hacker, we need to think like them and make them trust our digital vulnerabilities. DISS is the first step towards enabling any organization, regardless of their current security infrastructure, to capture attack data and build the most adaptable cybersecurity infrastructure with AI models. By correlating events observed on DISS sensors, TRACE has a remarkable track record of predicting future zero-day attacks within 1 to 48 hours. In conclusion, WhizHack puts DISS in a deception environment. Integrating represents a significant milestone in cybersecurity, with TRACE equipped with DISS technology, organizations can strengthen their defenses, defeat adversaries, and ensure the security of their digital infrastructure.As a technology evolves, proactive defense mechanisms like TRACE will continue to play an important role in shaping a secure digital environment. For more information, please visit https://whizhack.com/.