Himmatnagar (Gujarat), Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Wednesday questioned Congress's respect for the Constitution and said Muslim women have suffered under its rule. He referred to the overturning of the Supreme Court verdict in the Shah Bano case in 1985 by the Rajiv Gandhi government.

He said that because of vote bank politics, Congress never dared to ban the practice of instant triple talaq.

Hitting back at Congress's claim that the BJP will change the Constitution in its third term, Modi said the opposition party could not implement the book of law across the country during its decades-long rule. BJP for Sabarkantha and Mehsana seats Addressing a rally in north Gujarat's Himmatnagar town in support of Lok Sabha candidates from Uttar Pradesh, the Prime Minister said he was committed to the Constitution and ensured its implementation in Jammu and Kashmir by removing Article 370, which gave special status to the erstwhile Was providing.State.

He said, "Congress leaders are now claiming that the Constitution is in danger and reservations will be abolished. In fact, the Congress could not implement the Constitution in the entire country during its 70-year rule. Our Constitution was not implemented in Kashmir. Had gone…Modi did this because Modi is committed to the Constitution,” the veteran BJP leader stressed.

Modi said that it was his government which gave reservation rights to Dalits, tribals and OBCs in Kashmir by removing Article 370 and implementing the Constitution there.He said, "Modi works to protect the sanctity of the Constitution in every corner of India. Dalits, tribals and backward classes have already rejected the Congress. The BJP has the highest number of MLAs and MPs from these communities. "

The Prime Minister hit back at the opposition Indian faction over his statement "BJP will change the Constitution" and referred to the then Congress government's decision to overturn the Supreme Court verdict in the 1985 Shah Bano case.

He said that Muslim women have suffered losses during the Congress rule due to the party's vote-bank politics."The prince of Congress (pointing to Rahul Gandhi) is now roaming around with the book (copy of) the Constitution. In the Shah Bano case, it was your party's government which overturned the Supreme Court decision, which was against the Constitution. "Where was your respect for the Constitution? You changed the Supreme Court's decision and deprived Muslim women of any protection," Modi said.

In 1985, the SC had ruled in favor of Shah Bano, a Muslim woman from Indore who had sought maintenance from her husband after divorce, but the then Congress government led by Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi had set aside the judgment through an Act. Overturned.

Modi said his government's 2019 decision to end the practice of instant triple talaq has given security not only to Muslim women, but also to their families, as they used to be under stress about what would happen if their husbands divorced them immediately. What will happen to his daughter if he divorces her?Accusing the opposition of circulating his doctored videos, the BJP leader said the Congress and its allies have today become "fake factories".

“Their mohabbat ki dukaan (shops selling love – a slogan coined by Rahul Gandhi) is now selling fake items, fake promises and fake slogans. They are trying to malign Modi's image. But, I believe That people will not accept his false claims." He said.Without naming Congress MP Rahul Gandhi, the veteran BJP leader said the party's 'prince' is now claiming that the country will burn if Modi comes to power for the third time. The PM said the Congress leader used to claim that if If Ram temple is built in Ayodhya, the country will be burnt, but it did not happen.

"Finally Ram Mandir was built. Has the country burnt? Congress I am just trying to scare people because of its vote bank politics. In fact, it is Congress which is burning and no one can extinguish it Is.They are saying such things because their dreams have turned to ashes,'' the PM said.

He said that Congress had also claimed that if Article 370 was removed from Kashmir, there would be bloodshed and the country would be disintegrated. The PM said, "We removed Article 370. Was there any bloodshed? They claimed that that After the decision no one will raise the tricolor in Kashmir.Today, our tricolor is flying high at Lal Chowk (in Srinagar)."

He said there was a time when the Congress government used to send a bunch of documents called "dossier" about an incident to the neighboring country after a terrorist attack. Modi said, "Today, India gives the dose, not the dossier. Now we send them ( Terrorists are found in their own house."