Years later, despite only limited research on the benefits of this substance, online retailers offer a wide range of different L-theanine products in powder or capsule form.

Most products promise calming effects, less anxiety and stress, as well as improved concentration and sleep. But does this amino acid, which is primarily found in green tea leaves, actually reduce stress levels?

Previous research has suggested that this green tea amino acid may help deal with anxiety and stress. A study in 2008 suggested, "L-theanine significantly increases activity in the alpha frequency band indicating that it relaxes the brain without causing drowsiness."

And yet the authors believe that more research is also needed to prove the potential benefits clinically. Furthermore, any potential risks or side effects from long-term use of this supplement have not been medically ruled out.

Advertising health claims for this amino acid are not permitted in the European Union, and the European Commission EFSA has rejected claims submitted for L-theanine such as improved concentration and relaxation.

Interest in L-theanine has increased since Swift wrote about it in 2019. "I take L-theanine, which is a natural supplement that relieves stress and anxiety," she said in an article for Elle magazine.

The good news is that there are many other – clinically proven – ways to deal with stress and anxiety. These include special breathing techniques and meditation exercises such as the "body scan" technique or the method of progressive muscle relaxation.

And if you're lucky sometimes you get to rid yourself of all those fears – like Swift herself did in "Out of the Woods" when she discovered that monsters were just trees.
