Agartala (Tripura) [India], In a proactive effort to reduce the number of unresolved legal battles related to land, the district magistrate's office of West Tripura has started a special campaign to address these cases on weekends and holidays .

This initiative was designed to accommodate individuals who are unable to attend court sessions during regular business hours due to employment or other commitments.

Land-related legal battles have long burdened the lives of ordinary citizens in the region.

From 2012 to 2014, a substantial number of revenue cases remained unresolved in the District Trial Court (DM), specifically under Section 95-11-3. It is estimated that 3,000 cases are still pending, although this figure rose to 4,400 just six months ago.

The initiative has received widespread praise from the public, with many appreciating the administration's efforts to make the legal process more convenient and efficient. The DM's office hopes to increase this disposition rate in the coming weeks by continuing to hold court sessions on weekends and holidays.

Addressing the issue, West Tripura District Magistrate and Collector Vishaal Kumar said, "Our office and I recognized the need to expedite the disposal of these pending cases. By utilizing weekends and holidays, our aim was provide more accessible opportunities for people to participate in their land registration cases."

"Last week alone we managed to resolve about 80 cases," said the district judge.

The district magistrate also called on the public to participate more actively in these land registration cases and said, "We urge ordinary citizens to be more involved in the process. The administration is committed to providing all the help and support we can offer ".

As efforts continue to clear the backlog, the DM's office remains optimistic about significantly reducing the number of pending revenue cases and providing timely resolutions to land-related disputes.

Talking to ANI, the West Tripura DM said, "Land-related cases affect the lives of common people. Over the years from 2012 to 2014, many revenue cases have remained pending in the DM Court These court cases are handled under Section 95-11-3, and there are an estimated three thousand cases still pending. Six months ago, the number of pending cases was around 4,400. My office and I wanted to reduce this backlog. We therefore initiate efforts to resolve these cases on weekends and holidays, accommodating people who work in different locations and may not be able to attend on other days.

He further stated, "Last week, we cleared around 80 such cases. We have received very positive feedback from the public and we expect this clearance rate to increase in the coming days. We will continue to clear these revenue cases on weekends and holidays. “I would like to request ordinary citizens, through you, to be more actively involved in land registration cases, and we, the administration, will endeavor to provide all the relief that can be provided.”