New Delhi, MarTech company WebEngage and IT services firm InfoAxon have partnered with Reliance General Insurance (RGI) to streamline customer engagement to provide a seamless omnichannel experience for its customers, partners and agents, said a joint statement. stated in.

The partnership aims to equip RGI with digital tools, advance its customer engagement strategies and help it deliver hyper-personalized customer experiences.

The statement said the association will utilize Infoxon's low-code, API-driven digital insurance solution stack and WebEngage's customer data platform (CDP) and AI-powered personalization engine to strengthen RGI's service and positioning.

“At Reliance General Insurance, we understand the importance of embracing digital innovation to stay ahead in today's fast-paced world. Our collaboration with WebEngage and InfoAxon reflects our commitment to providing cutting-edge solutions that enhance customer engagement. and drive business growth. Together, we are shaping the future of insurance,” said Prabhdeep Batra, Chief Delivery Officer, Reliance General Insurance.