New Delhi [India], After Iran attacked Israel with hundreds of drones, missiles on Saturday night, Israeli Ambassador to India Naor Gilo talked about the regional escalation and highlighted the fact that when people attack them If they do, they cannot remain silent. "If Hezbollah moves forward, the escalation will be carried out," ANI, the Israeli envoy said. "Since October, Israel has been in a proxy war with Iran," Gillon told ANI. “Iran is a financier, trainers and equipper of Hamas and Hezbollah and the Houthis in Lebanon, Yemen. They are all fighting with us.And what happened yesterday is that Iran changed it from a proxy war to a direct attack on Israel," Naor Gilon told ANI. He later highlighted Israel's position and said, "From Iranian LAN to Israel they fired 331 rockets. , fired various types of rockets, UAVs and cruise missiles, Gillon said, giving credit for 99 percent of incoming interceptions. With the help of some of his friends in the area, he fired rockets at Israeli Defense Forces and Air Force capabilities. “We cannot remain passive when people attack us,” he said. So we have retaliated with Hezbollah so far. If Hezbollah advances, they too will face an escalation."Since Iran has attacked, they will face a response from us sooner or later," he said. Al Jazeer reported that the latest attack was in retaliation for the downing of an unmanned aerial vehicle in Lebanese airspace by Iran-backed Hezbollah on April 6, which the group said was an Israeli-made Hermes 900, in retaliation for the downing of one of its drones. Was recognized as. Drones “So our hope is that the longstanding international community, especially your friends, will unite to stop Iran, stop Iran's support for terrorism and its efforts to destabilize the region," the Israeli envoy said. "You know "Iran is openly, from the leaders on down, a member, legitimate democratic country, member of the United Nations, expressing its desire to destroy the State of Israel and that is outrageous," he said. He said during his interview that 133 Israelis had been kidnapped in Gaza. “We must put pressure on Hamas and its sponsor Iran to ensure their release,” he said."