Dahod (Gujarat) [India], After polling was canceled due to a viral video on social media, re-polling was held following Election Commission of India orders at Polling Station No. 220 I Parthampura in Santrampur, Dahod in Mahisagar district on Saturday. Voting is going on again at this booth amid tight police security. Last week, a video of BJP leader Ramesh Bhabo's son Vijay Bhabor with the EVM machine went viral on social media, following which Congress candidate Prabhaben Tawiad demanded re-polling. The district administration in the area has ensured fairness for voters and has taken measures to secure the voting process. Police forces sensitized the public to vote again."Re-polling is taking place at booth number 220 of Parthampura. People are exercising their franchise. Collector ma'am and police personnel together are making the public aware about re-polling in the area. We took confidence building measures yesterday and Visited." All security arrangements are in place in various areas to talk to people," said ASP Mahisagar, Vivek Bheda. Vijay Bhabor, son of BJP leader Ramesh Bhabor, was arrested by the police after watching a video live-streamed from inside a polling booth on Wednesday. Took into custody after.Dahod Lok Sabha constituency in Gujarat went viral on social media. In the third phase of the ongoing general elections in Gujarat, voting took place for 25 out of 26 seats on 7 May. The third phase included constituencies of Kutch, Banaskantha, Patan, Mehsana Sabarkantha. Re-polling at four polling stations under Gandhinagar, Ahmedabad East, Ahmedabad West, Surendranagar, Rajkot Porbandar, Jamnagar, Junagadh, Amreli, Bhavnagar, Anand, Kheda, Panchmahal Dahod, Vadodara, Chhota Udaipur, Bharuch, Bardoli, Navsari and Valsad, Multai. Voting was held on May 10 for Betul Lok Sabha seat in the state. The Election Commission of India (ECI) on May 10 had ordered re-polling in four booths of Betul Lok Sabha seat in Madhya Pradesh after an electronic voting machine (EVM) was damaged in a bus.Re-polling took place in Rajapur, Kunda Raiyat, Chikhlimal and Dudar Raiyat of Multai assembly constituency of the parliamentary seat.