Imphal (Manipur) [India], Voting for the remaining part of Outer Manipur Lok Sabha constituency for the second phase ended peacefully on Friday. Voting for the remaining part of Outer Manipur parliamentary constituency took place on Friday, officials said. Police used drones for voting. Surveillance in Ukhrul district before the second phase. Ukhrul falls under the Outer Manipur Lok Sabha constituency."Voting ended around 5:47 pm at our polling station. Right now we are packing the VVPATs. We are getting ready to send them to our office," Presiding Officer Liami Kasar told ANI. Responding to a question, he said, "This (polling) was very peaceful from the beginning till the end. People in the village are very cooperative and we are happy with the end of the polling day.Senior citizens, including a 94-year-old woman, cast their vote at a polling booth in Ukhrul district in outer Manipur, where Naga People's Front (NPF)'s Kachui Timothy Jimik is seeking re-election against Congress's Alfred K Arthur. Zimik told ANI that the people of Manipur need peace and development as both the communities are fighting each other, "It is certain to win. The question is how big will be the difference. There are a lot of issues. I will pay attention to each Will keep."Issues and will resolve them... There is a big fight going on between the two communities. This is an issue that we have to resolve," H said, adding, "We definitely believe that these communities should come together Must come and talk to bring peace... Our people need peace. And development... As far as development is concerned, we need to focus on many issues...' Earlier, re-polling was held at 11 polling stations in Inner Manipur constituency on April 22 after several incidents of violence were reported during the first phase of polling in 13 states and union territories, Jimik said. The second phase of voting on 88 seats in the Territories (UTs) ended at 6 pm. The first phase of voting for the seven-phase general elections was successfully conducted in 102 constituencies across 21 states and union territories.According to the Election Commission, total voting in the initial phase was recorded at more than 62 percent. The voting round will take place on May 7. Counting of votes and results will be declared on June 4.