Ambikapur (Chhattisgarh), Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Wednesday targeted Congress, saying that the 'vote bank-hungry' party wants to implement reservation on the basis of religion.

Addressing an election rally in Ambikapur, the headquarters of Chhattisgarh's Surguja district, PM Modi also said that the Congress wants to impose inheritance tax in the country and take away the rights of people's children.

He said that some forces want a "weak" government of the Congress and Bharatiya Janata Party alliance in the country because they feel that if India becomes self-reliant, their shops will be closed.

“Today when I have come to Surguja, I want to present the thinking of Muslim League of Congress in front of the country. When their manifesto was released, on the same day I had said and even today I am saying that this is the manifesto of Congress.“The imprint of Muslim League,” Modi said.

He said, when the Constitution was being drafted, it was decided under the leadership of Babasaheb Ambedkar that there would be no reservation on the basis of religion in India.

He said, "If there is reservation, it will be for Dalit brothers and sisters and tribal brothers and sisters."

"But the vote bank hungry Congress never cared for the words of great personalities, the sanctity of the Constitution and the words of Baba Saheb Ambedkar, years ago Congress had tried to implement reservation on the basis of religion in Andhra Pradesh. Then Congress It has been planned to be implemented across the country,” Modi said.He said that he talked about implementing 15 percent reservation on the basis of religion and said that this would be done after cutting the reservation of Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes and Other Backward Classes.

The Prime Minister said, Congress had the same intention in the 2009 manifesto and in the 2011 manifesto also it clearly said that it will not leave this issue.

He said, Congress wants to change the Constitution and hand over the rights of SC, ST and OBC to its vote bank.

The intentions of Congress are not good, it is not in accordance with the Constitution, social justice and secularism. Modi said, if anyone can protect your reservation then it is BJP.

“Congress is not only keeping an eye on your reservation, but also on your earnings, your houses, shops and farms.The 'Prince' of Congress (pointing towards Rahul Gandhi) says that he will get every property X-rayed." He said, "Congress will snatch away your house and every family of the country and they say that we will Will distribute equally.

Do you know who they will distribute it to after they "rob" it from you? Maud asked, to which the people replied in the affirmative.

“I don’t need to tell you who they will distribute to,” he said.

Modi further said that Congress's 'dangerous intentions' are coming to light one after another and now it says it will impose inheritance tax."The Prince's advisor to the royal family, who was also an advisor to the Prince's father, had said that the middle class and hard-earners should be taxed more. Now Congress says it will impose an inheritance tax. It will help people with their Will impose tax on property inherited from parents, now, Panja (Congress election symbol) will snatch property from your children,” he said without naming anyone.

He said, Congress's mantra is "Congress loot with life also, with life too".

Maude said, “They (Congress) want to take away your property and the rights of your children.,

The PM also said that he has come to seek blessings of the people for developed Chhattisgarh and developed India.