India PR Distributio Virginia [US], April 25: Visitor Guard®, a leading provider of travel insurance for international visitors to the US, is urging summer travelers to India to carefully review their medical coverage before traveling, Particularly with regard to pre-existing conditions. Recent industry trends on their American adventure indicate a potential reduction in coverage for pre-existing conditions offered by visitor insurance plans. Most Visito Insurance Plans
Provide coverage only for acute onset of non-chronic pre-existing conditions This makes Indian visitors, especially senior citizens, vulnerable to significant financial burden in case of a medical emergency due to a chronic pre-existing condition during their visit to the US Can make. America is a dream for many Indian parents, and unexpected medical conditions can quickly turn that dream into a nightmare,” says Chirant Natara.
, Founder of Visitor Guard®. “Your company is committed to ensuring that visitors have peace of mind knowing that they are financially protected in case of any unexpected medical event.However, we are deeply concerned about the potential reduction in coverage for pre-existing conditions offered by some travel insurance providers. A pre-existing condition is any medical condition that has been diagnosed or treated before you purchase travel insurance. Some common examples include high blood pressure, diabetes, asthma, and allergies, which do not provide any coverage for pre-existing conditions. However, some plans offer limited coverage for acute onset of a pre-existing condition
Medical care in the US can be exceptionally expensive up to certain age ranges. Even a minor medical problem can result in huge bills for doctor visits, medicines and hospital stays.Visitor insurance with comprehensive coverage can provide vital financial protection for international visitors, helping them avoid the stress and burden of unexpected medical expenses. Visitor Guard® advises Indian travelers to the United States to take the following steps to ensure adequate medical coverage. Review the plan details carefully before purchasing it. Pay attention to the severity of pre-existing conditions section and understand the level of coverage provided If you are considering purchasing a plan from us, Visitor Protect is one of the plans that covers doctor visits or prescription refills. Covers pre-existing conditions. Up to 70 years and above. Other plans such as Safe Travels US Comprehensive, Patriot America, Atlas America, Safe Travels USA and others only provide coverage for acute onset of pre-existing conditions.Yet each plan has different definitions for both pre-existing conditions and acute onset of a pre-existing condition, so reviewing the brochure I recommend. If you are unsure about any aspect of travel insurance coverage, especially regarding pre-existing conditions, consult one. Travel insurance professional who can help you find the right plan for your needs “At Visitor Guard®, we understand the importance of comprehensive Medicare coverage, especially for Indian seniors with pre-existing conditions,” says M Nataraj. They say. “We are committed to offering a wide range of visitor insurance plans designed to provide peace of mind and financial security to all international visitors to the U.S., regardless of their medical history. About Visitor Guard Visitor Guard® is a leading provider of travel insurance in the U.S. For international visitors to the United States we offer a variety of comprehensive travel insurance plans that protect visitors against medical emergencies, medical evacuation, repatriation, triple layovers and travel delay. Are designed to protect against unexpected events.Contact Pallavi Sadeka Head of Operations (804) 325-138 [email protected]