New Delhi, Social media platform edited".

X said the video in the publications on the social networks that Sharma seeks to eliminate from his platform coincides with the live broadcast of his Indian TV channel and is a "authentic" cousin.

The microblogging site has approached the apex court seeking quashing of an interim court order by which X Corp, Google India and Meta platforms were required to remove social media posts if they were not removed by leaders of the Congress Jairam Ramesh, Pawan Khera and Ragini Nayak.

The application and reply was filed by X in Sharma's pending suit in which he sought to remove alleged offensive posts and videos against him on social media and prevent political leaders from making allegations against him.

Justice Manmeet P S Arora issued notice and asked the journalist to respond to file a reply to X's application. He listed him for further hearing on August 22.

Meanwhile, lawyers for the three Congress leaders submitted that in compliance with the high court's June 14 order, they will remove social media posts authored by them.

However, the elimination of the positions will be without prejudice to their rights and arguments on the merits of the matter, the lawyer said.

Justice Arora asked

Once informed, the leaders will immediately delete the tweets, no later than 7pm on Friday, the high court said.

"In the unlikely event that Defendants Nos. 4 through 6 (Congressional Leaders) fail to honor their undertaking to this court and fail to remove the challenged tweets listed above by 7 p.m. on July 12, Plaintiff shall notify Defendant No. 1 (

The journalist has claimed that he was defamed by Congress leaders for using "abusive language" during his program on June 4, the day the Lok Sabha elections were being counted.

Mr. voided because it has prejudiced the judgment in the suit by already presenting an unsubstantiated conclusion that the video was edited at a preliminary stage, when prima facie there was no 'editing'."

He said that since the plaintiff's injunction request does not establish that the content is "malicious" or "palpably false," granting an injunction would also stifle public debate and allow litigation to be misused to suppress public participation.

The controversy arose after Nayak accused Sharma of abusing her on national television during a debate on her show on election results day.

Sharma is Chairman and Editor-in-Chief of Independent News Service Private Limited (INDIA TV).

Sharma's lawyer had said that while the debate was going on on the channel on the night of June 4, the Congress leaders started tweeting only on June 10 and 11.

He maintained that a clip from the show was circulating in which an abusive term had been inserted while the original footage had no such content.