Guwahati, Vacancies in teaching posts in state universities have emerged as a major hurdle in the implementation of the National Education Policy (NEP) 2020, University Grants Commission (UGC) chairperson Mamidala Jagadesh Kumar said here on Friday. .

The UGC president was here to attend a day-long conference of vice-chancellors of northeastern and eastern regions on 'Implementation of NEP 2020' organized by Guwahati-based Pragjyotishpur University.

Addressing a press conference, Kumar said, "Across the country, a major problem in state universities is vacancies in teaching posts. In some state universities, 50 to 80 per cent of teaching posts are vacant," urging universities to accelerate the filling of these positions. positions.

She said the implementation of the NEP is a "journey" that cannot happen overnight, and state governments have been enthusiastically participating in its implementation.

Kumar highlighted that it is also essential for universities to formulate an institutional development plan and their own roadmap for the future.

With the participation of approximately 130 vice-chancellors and other academicians, the conference discussions focused on transforming higher education institutions to empower students to contribute to national development. Key themes include providing comprehensive education, integrating skills development with degree programs and using digital technology to reach students from rural and economically weaker backgrounds.

“We will discuss how the NEP is being implemented and the challenges colleges and universities face, so we can collectively find solutions,” she said.

Kumar asked universities to open more off-campus centers to make education accessible and equitable, while she asserted that the UGC was also promoting teacher training in the higher education sector.

Highlighting the need to expose students to different parts of the country, she said the northeastern region is home to many indigenous knowledge systems, be it a festival celebrated on the basis of astronomical calculations, bamboo engineering or shifting cultivation.

"These are parts of the Indian knowledge system and there is a need to expose this to students from different parts of the country," she said.

Kumar added that UGC is also working to promote education in its own language, especially since the country has numerous native languages.

On the implementation of NEP in this region, Kumar said the UGC is in regular touch with state higher education boards and venture capitalists.

"We are very happy to inform that state governments are very enthusiastically participating in the implementation of NEP. Implementation is a journey," he added.

He reiterated that achieving the target of 50 percent gross enrollment ratio (GAB) by 2035 requires sustained effort and cannot be achieved overnight.

Among the initiatives under the NEP is the provision of bi-annual admissions to help students who did not enroll during July-August to take admission in January-February.

Universities with necessary infrastructure have been asked to implement it to maximize resource utilization, Kumar said, adding that 90 universities have also started bi-annual admissions for online programmes.

The UGC president also stated that emphasis is being placed on strengthening the research ecosystem in universities and attracting more youth.

Although research funded directly by the UGC has now stopped, funds for research projects are available through other agencies such as the National Research Foundation and other programmes, he added.

Focusing on online education, internet connectivity and electrification have also received a boost across the country, and common service centers have also been set up for students in remote areas to access the network, Kumar added.