New Delhi, The National Green Tribunal has directed the member secretaries of all State Pollution Control Boards and Pollution Control Committees (in Union Territories) to file an affidavit explaining why a large number of sanctioned posts are vacant.

Noting that around 50 per cent of posts are vacant across the country, the green panel said, "Such a huge vacancy is one of the major reasons for improper enforcement of (environmental) acts and rules."

The tribunal was hearing a case relating to the infrastructure, resources and capacity of the State Pollution Control Boards and Pollution Control Committee, which is being affected due to several reasons, including inadequate sanctioned strength of personnel and vacancies especially on technica posts. Are. Contains high number of.

Taking note of a report by the Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB) following the tribunal's earlier order, a bench of National Green Tribunal Chairman Justice Prakash Srivastava said it showed a "very serious situation"."We have found that none of the sanctioned strength of employees has been appointed and posts are lying vacant in the State Pollution Control Boards and Pollution Control Committees, which is impacting the regulatory mechanism at the State level on environmental issues. Justice Aru Kumar Tyagi and expert member A Senthil Vel said.

Taking cognizance of the report, the tribunal said, "About 50 percent of the posts are vacant." Maximum posts are vacant in Bihar, Jharkhand and Union Territory Daman-Diu. Such a large vacancy is a major reason for improper implementation of the Act." Rules.,

It said there are 1,091 contractual employees in committees and boards, of which 146 and 450 are from technical and scientific backgrounds respectively."If such employees can be taken on contract then why can't regular recruitment be done?" the tribunal asked in an order passed on April 12.

It also noted the lack of proper facilities and infrastructure in State Pollution Control Board and Pollution Control Committee laboratories.

“Out of 190 laboratories, only 14 laboratories are recognized as environmental laboratories under the Environment Protection Act (EPA). Moreover, only National Accreditation Board for Testing and Calibration Laboratories (48 laboratories have NABL certification) has any meaning. Not until they become one.It is part of the environmental laboratory,'' the tribunal said.

“No details have been given of the number of staff, ratio of administrative and technical posts, environmental laboratories, monitoring networks for the CPCB,” I said.

According to the report, the average expenditure is much less than the generation income.

“Therefore, we direct the Member Secretaries of all State Pollution Control Boards and Pollution Control Committees to file an affidavit before the Member Secretary, CPCB, within a period of six weeks from today, disclosing that the entire Why appointments have not been made as per capacity.” The tribunal said, "has been created and why so many sanctioned posts are lying vacant and will also be given the time-table within which the vacant posts will be filled and necessary infrastructure will be created in the laboratories."The panel posted the matter for further proceedings till July 29. ,