Dehradun (Uttarakhand) [India], Chief Secretary Radha Raturi on Friday launched a campaign to improve the traffic system in Rishikesh, Laxmanjhula, Muni Ki Reti, Tapovan and Srinagar from Saturday and took strict action against vehicles parked illegally on the roadside. Gave instructions to do. This campaign will also be run in Dehradun from the beginning of Chardham Yatra on Saturday. While holding a traffic management meeting with Director General of Police, Commissioner Garhwal, D Dehradun, Tehri and Pauri and Senior Superintendent of Police Dehradun, Tehar and Pauri at the Secretariat on Friday, CS Radha Raturi has given instructions to the District Magistrates to send long-term traffic management officials. Proposal to the Secretariat for traffic management, asked to take immediate, short-term corrective steps. Regarding the problem of illegal parking of vehicles parked on the roadside in Rishikesh and the jam caused by it, the Chief Secretary has given instructions to make arrangements for parking. He has also directed to make parking arrangements for tourist vehicles on private land near rafting sites and camping sites in Rishikesh. Chief Secretary Raturi has instructed the officials that the trend of parking vehicles on the roads should not be tolerated under any circumstances and strict and immediate action should be taken against it.Along with this, action will also be taken against such hotel and restaurant owners who are not making proper parking arrangements for their employees and customers and are promoting illegal parking on the roads. CS has also directed to run a campaign against encroachment. On those roads. To deal with the problem of traffic jams at various places, Radha Ratur has given instructions to immediately send the proposal for widening of various narrow roads including Neelkanth to the Secretariat. The Chief Secretary said that keeping in mind the convenience of Chardham pilgrims, it is very important to improve it. Traffic management before travel. He has also instructed the District Magistrates to work on the proposals for alternative routes of the Chardham Yatra routes.