About 70 percent of pregnant women experience morning sickness during pregnancy, which is medically known as hyperemesis gravidarum, and is characterized by nausea and vomiting. In severe cases, it can prevent pregnant women from eating and drinking properly, leading to weight loss and dehydration.

However, according to a review of studies published in CMAJ (Canadian Medica Association Journal), resorting to cannabis may be harmful to the health of both the baby and the child.

“Cannabis use in pregnancy is associated with adverse neurocognitive outcomes in the offspring, as well as other adverse pregnancy outcomes. We therefore advise against the use of cannabis in pregnancy,” said Dr Larissa Jansen Amsterdam Research Institute for Reproduction and Development, Erasmus MC Netherlands.

To date, the cause of morning sickness is not completely understood. Early pregnancy, female fetus, underlying medical conditions in multiple or molar pregnancies, and history of the condition during previous pregnancies are some of the known risk factors.

“Hyperemesis gravidarum can have detrimental effects on maternal quality of life and lead to short-term and long-term adverse outcomes among the offspring,” De Larissa said.

"Management of hyperemesis gravidarum requires considerable health care resources, as it is a common cause of hospital admissions and emergency department visits in the first trimester," he said.

Home remedies such as anti-nausea medications and ginger products may help reduce mild nausea and vomiting for some people, but evidence of its effectiveness in people with hyperemesis gravidarum is uncertain, the team said, and called for more research.