WASHINGTON: A coalition of US ceramic tile suppliers has urged the Federa government to impose duty on ceramic tile imports from India as the domestic industry is being hit due to subsidized imports by the Indian government.

The Commerce Department has set up an investigation into this matter.

Imports of ceramics and tiles from India have increased significantly over the past few years, with an association of the American ceramic and tiles industry claiming that this is impacting their domestic industry as imports are subsidized by the Indian government.

In a petition filed before the U.S. International Trade Commission of the Department of Commerce, the Coalition for Fair Trade in Ceramic Tile (TCNA), which claims to represent more than 90 percent of U.S. tile production, projected imposing tariffs between $408 per demands. percent to 828 percent, alleging that massive and widespread dumping from India continues.

“American tile manufacturers have always welcomed fair competition from imports.In fact, American manufacturers have abundant reserves of clay and feldspar, a skilled and well-respected labor force, local community support, state-of-the-art equipment, and cheap energy – so not only that, Italy, Spain, Brazil, Mexico. And China's major exporters have built facilities in the US to compete globally,” said Eric Astrachan, executive director of the Tile Council of North America.

“However, Indian tile producers enjoy substantial government subsidies, which, coupled with selling excess capacity at dumped prices, allows them to flood the US market. Over the last 10 years, tile sales from India have grown from a mere 344,000 sq ft in 2013 to nearly 405 million sq ft by the end of 2023,” he alleged.

“Our domestic manufacturers had no option but to petition the Federa government for relief from these unjust trade practices. The vitality of American industry and the livelihoods of thousands of employees and their families at our member companies depend on it,” Astrachan said.The US International Trade Commission last week issued a federal notification initiating an investigation and initiating an early-stage antidumping and countervailing duty investigation to determine whether there is a reasonable indication that ceramic tiles from India Imports affect American industry. The last date to respond is June 10.

According to Barnes & Thornburg, trade advisors to the Fair Trade Coalition in Ceramic Tile, if the US finds that Indian imports are unfairly traded and have caused or threaten to cause injury to US tile manufacturers, So the government will impose tariffs on Indian tile imports.

The Government will impose initial tariffs in the first few months and final tariffs upon the conclusion of its investigation in approximately 1 month, such final tariffs will be calculated retroactively from the date of initial tariffs, and possibly up to the date of initiation. , He said.In its filing, the Coalition for Fair Trade in Ceramic Tile (FTCT) claimed that India engaged in unfair trade practices by allowing low-priced ceramic tile imports into the United States, causing losses to domestic manufacturers.

The scope of investigation includes various types of ceramic tiles, such as floor tiles, wall tiles, paving tiles, hearth tiles, porcelain tiles, mosaic tiles and more. These ceramic tiles are objects consisting of a mixture of minerals, including clay, which are fired to create a finished product less than 3.2 cm in actual thickness. The investigation includes both glazed and unglazed tiles regardless of end use, surface area, weight or other factors.

Members of the Coalition for Fair Trade in Ceramic Tile include America Wonder Porcelain, Crossville, Inc., Dal-Tile Corporation, Del Conca USA, Inc. Florida Tile, Inc., Florim USA, Landmark Ceramics and Stonepeak Ceramics.The US Commerce Department has launched an investigation in response to a petition filed by the Coalition for Fair Trade in Ceramic Tile.