Idaho [US], in a surprising departure from its usual protocol, the US Supreme Court on Thursday formally dismissed an appeal regarding Idaho's strict abortion ban, CNN reported.

This dismissal effectively blocks the application of state law, which previously allowed abortions only in cases where the life of the pregnant woman was at stake. The court's action came quickly after the opinion was mistakenly posted on its website, highlighting the seriousness and urgency of the matter at hand.

The decision comes amid a charged political atmosphere ahead of the 2024 US elections, where abortion rights have become a key issue for Democrats.

The Biden-Harris campaign has strategically aligned itself with reproductive rights advocates, capitalizing on public sentiment and legal challenges to state-level abortion restrictions implemented after the landmark 2022 Dobbs decision that overturned Roe v Wade, it was reported CNN.

"We have consistently seen high turnout and Democratic victories in elections following the Dobbs decision," a campaign spokesperson said. The strategy has focused on personal testimonies from women directly affected by restrictive abortion laws, underscoring the campaign's commitment to safeguarding women's health and autonomy.

President Biden's administration has positioned itself at the forefront of defending abortion rights, particularly through federal laws such as the Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act (EMTALA). The administration views this law, which mandates emergency care, including abortion services, as a critical safeguard against state-level bans that threaten women's access to reproductive health care.

"EMTALA remains a vital tool to ensure that women in states with restrictive laws can still access necessary health care," a senior administration official emphasized. The White House has coordinated efforts among federal agencies, including the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), to support legal challenges and investigate complaints related to EMTALA violations.

Jennifer Klein, director of the White House Gender Policy Council, has led these efforts, working closely with the Department of Justice to defend federal abortion rights protections. Prior to the recent Supreme Court decision, HHS launched initiatives to expedite patient complaints and examine hospitals accused of violating EMTALA provisions.

The timing of the Supreme Court's action coincides with heightened political tensions, evident in the upcoming presidential debate where abortion politics are expected to feature prominently. Democratic strategists plan to take advantage of the stark contrast between President Biden's pro-choice stance and former President Trump's record of appointing conservative judges who favor restrictive measures on abortion.

"Trump's influence on the Supreme Court has reshaped reproductive rights in the United States," warned Biden's campaign manager. According to CNN, the administration has capitalized on public concern about potential judicial appointments in an attempt to galvanize support among voters who fear new restrictions on abortion rights.

Recent court decisions, including the court's rejection of challenges to medications such as mifepristone used in abortion procedures, have underscored the current vulnerability of reproductive rights in conservative-leaning courts. Democrats have seized on these rulings to mobilize their base against what they describe as "MAGA attacks" on health freedoms.

Throughout his presidency, Trump has proudly touted his role in appointing judges who helped overturn Roe v Wade, framing it as a victory for his conservative agenda. In response, President Biden warned voters about the implications of additional conservative appointments to the Supreme Court, warning of potential setbacks for women's rights and access to health care.

"The appointment of Supreme Court justices is a critical issue in this election," Biden emphasized during a recent fundraising event, highlighting what is at stake for reproductive rights in the next election cycle. With the possibility of future judicial nominations at stake, both parties are preparing for a contentious battle over the future direction of the nation's highest court, CNN reported.