Washington, D.C. [US], After months of delays, the Senate successfully passed a US$95 billion package aimed at providing aid to Ukraine, Israel and Taiwan, CN reported as the bipartisan effort is being led by President Joe Biden in Congress. The sweeping package, which now has President Biden's signature, marks a significant victory for Democrats, and Senate GOP leader Mitch McConnell, who has been a staunch supporter of supporting Ukraine despite the growing reluctance of some within his own party, Waiting brings together four bills that previously faced hurdles in both houses of Congress. The legislative achievement follows a rare Saturday session in the House, where it approved nearly USD 61 billion in aid for Ukraine, more than USD 26 billion for Israel and more than USD 8 billion for the Indo-Pacific. Notably, the package includes provisions for extending sanctions. Russian property and contains language that could lead to a ban on the popular social media platform TikTok. Under the bill, Chinese parent company ByteDance has been given a nine-month ultimatum to divest from TikTok or face a ban from US app stores – a move aimed at protecting national security interests. Asked about the bill's prospects, McConnell expressed optimism, saying, "There's hope." His leadership was instrumental in pushing the legislation through the Senate. Despite internal divisions within his party, House Speaker Mike Johnson faced challenges from conservatives within his own party who opposed sending aid to Ukraine. However, after bipartisan negotiations, the legislation ultimately received broad support in the House. The path to aid to Ukraine and Israel was fraught with hurdles, as House and Senate Republicans initially balked at moving forward with foreign aid. Former President Donald Trump's opposition to the final deal further complicated negotiations, leading Republicans to abandon the border package, with McConnell stressing the importance of maintaining U.S. leadership and global responsibilities. Gave described the Senate's action as "overdue" and "a test we must not fail." "Our global interests come with global responsibilities.He also said, a healthy alliance lightens the burden of these responsibilities, CNN reported.