New York [US], Amid rising tensions in the Middle East surrounding the Israeli military offensive in Gaza, university commencement ceremonies across the US are facing unprecedented challenges, as protests and counter-protests erupt on campuses from coast to coast. What should have been a celebratory time for graduates, CNN reported, has been overshadowed by a climate of heightened security and civil unrest in recent days, with the campus becoming a battleground for opposing ideologies. Clashes between pro-Palestinian protesters and their opponents are becoming increasingly volatile. From the University of Mississippi to the University of Virginia and the Art Institute of Chicago, scenes of confrontation have emerged, leading to arrests, charges and calls for accountability. An investigation into the allegations has been launched at the University of Mississippi. "Hostilities and racist sentiments" stemmed from a demonstration on campus. According to CNN reports, pro-Palestinian protesters, numbering about 30, found themselves surrounded by about 200 counter-protesters, some waving US flags and Trump banners.Amid the uproar, disturbing incidents emerged, including reports of racial slurs and gestures. Black woman documenting the scene on her phone. Despite the chaos, graduate student Jailyn R. Smith remained steadfast, saying, "The one thing that will never break me is people taunting me or lashing out at me." Meanwhile, tensions reached a fever pitch at the University of Virginia. Law enforcement intervened to destroy a pro-Palestinian encampment nearby. Despite initial efforts for a peaceful resolution, authorities encountered resistance and increasing aggression, leading to the arrest of at least 25 individuals on trespassing charges. According to CNN, the university cited "violent conduct" and violations of campus rules as justification for its actions, sparking debate over the limits of free expression and the use of force to maintain order.Similarly, in Chicago, the Art Institute became a site of impasse. Between the protesters and the police, around 5 persons were arrested. The demonstration, which began as a peaceful demonstration by students of the School of Art Institute, soon turned into chaos, with allegations of damaging property and obstructing emergency exits. Negotiations between protesters and authorities failed, leading to decisive intervention by law enforcement to disperse the crowd and restore order. As universities grapple with the fallout from these events, questions have arisen over the future of academic freedom and the role of institutions in addressing controversial political issues.issues. Calls for divestment from Israel, amplified by student-led movements, have brought universities to the center of the global debate on human rights and international conflict. Yet, the pursuit of social justice increasingly faces resistance, as competing narratives collide and ideological fault lines deepen. In response to these challenges, universities are enhancing security measures and deploying additional personnel and resources to ensure the safety of students and faculty. Employee.Metal detectors, barricades and an increased enforcement presence have become common features of graduation ceremonies, casting a shadow over a joyous occasion, CNN reports.