WASHINGTON (AP) — President Joe Biden on Tuesday unveiled a massive immigration relief policy for noncitizens that would provide a path to citizenship for noncitizen spouses and children of U.S. citizens, a move that would bar nearly half of U.S. citizens. Million spouses, will protect many thousands. Who are Indian-Americans.

"This action will protect approximately half a million spouses of U.S. citizens and approximately 50,000 noncitizen children under the age of 21 whose parents are married to a U.S. citizen," the White House said.

Biden, who is seeking re-election in the November 5 presidential election, has directed the Department of Homeland Security to take action to ensure that US citizens with non-citizen spouses and children can keep their families together. The White House said this new process would help some noncitizen spouses and children apply for lawful permanent residence without leaving the country — status for which they are already eligible.

It says these actions will promote family unity and strengthen our economy, which will bring significant benefits to the country and help American citizens and their non-citizen family members stay together.CNN reported that the action is aimed at appealing to key Latino constituencies in battleground states including Arizona, Nevada and Georgia, which will be critical to Biden's chances of claiming a second term. The move is a matter of concern for immigration advocates and progressives. An olive branch to Biden, many of whom have sharply criticized Biden for past restrictive actions, including taking steps this month to limit asylum processing at the US southern border, it said.

Biden also directed to allow individuals, including DACA recipients and other Dreamers, who have earned a degree from an accredited U.S. institution of higher education in the United States, and who have an offer of employment from a U.S. employer in a field related to their have been found. degree, to obtain a work visa more quickly.

"Recognizing that it is in our national interest to ensure that individuals educated in the United States can use their skills and education to benefit our country, the Administration is pleased to facilitate the employment visa process for those graduating from college. Taking action.and they have high-skilled job offers, including DACA recipients and other Dreamers,” the White House said. “Dreamer” originally referred to the Development, Relief, and Education for Alien Minors (DREAM) Act, it A piece of legislation that would have provided immigrant youth with a path to legal status and U.S. citizenship.

To be eligible, non-citizens must – by June 17, 2024 – have lived in the United States for 10 or more years and be legally married to a U.S. citizen, meeting all applicable legal requirements, according to the White House Needed On average, people who are eligible for this process have lived in the US for 23 years.

Those who are approved after a case-by-case evaluation of their application by DHS will be given a three-year period to apply for permanent residence.They will be allowed to stay in the US with their families and will be eligible for work authorization for up to three years. It will apply to all married couples who are eligible. According to the White House, the program will protect about half a million spouses of U.S. citizens and about 50,000 noncitizen children under the age of 21 whose parents Married to an American citizen.

More than 1.1 million undocumented spouses married to a US citizen, thousands of whom are Indian-Americans, have lived in the US for an average of 16 years, and many have been married to their US citizen spouses for at least a decade. Have done. The announcement is expected to impact approximately 500,000 undocumented spouses of U.S. citizens and 50,000 undocumented children of U.S. citizens nationwide.Opposing the move, the rival Trump campaign said Biden's mass amnesty plan would undoubtedly lead to more immigration crime, cost taxpayers millions of dollars they can't afford, impact public services, and fund Will steal Social Security and Medicare benefits from American senior citizens. Benefits for illegals – eliminating programs Americans have paid for their entire working lives. “Biden extended another invitation to illegal immigration through his mass amnesty order,” said Trump campaign national press secretary Carolyn Leavitt. Is."

US Senate Majority Whip Dick Durbin, chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, praised Biden's announcement of providing relief to hundreds of thousands of immigrants, including DACA holders and undocumented spouses and children of US citizens.

“Giving people who have lived here at least ten years the opportunity to continue living here without fear of deportation is fair and long overdue.The Republican Party and its elected leaders view immigration as a source of fear and hatred and a 'poison in the blood' of America. President Biden understands that, as challenging as it may be, immigration is at the core of what it means to be an American. I applaud President Biden for today's announcement,” Durbin said.