Tel Aviv [Israel], The US Navy has completed the installation of a floating pier off the coast of Gaza, humanitarian aid delivery will begin "in the coming days", US Central Command announced "Trucks carrying humanitarian aid "The UN is expected to receive aid and coordinate its delivery to Gaza in the coming days," Centcom said on Twitter. The purpose of the $320 million construction or installation of the ferry is to streamline the delivery of humanitarian aid, including food, water, fuel and water. Others will bring supply trucks and then move towards the mainland via the route connecting the ghat to the mainland.The aid will be dropped at a facility that Israel is building near Gaza City. The Israeli military is providing security and logistics support. The initial plan is to let 90 trucks pass daily. The number is expected to reach 150 as soon as the ferry becomes fully operational. It was not clear which UN agency CENTCOM was being referred to in coordination with the reception and delivery of aid.Israel is bypassing the United Nations Relief Works Agency (UNRWA) in distributing aid and is demanding that the agency be stripped of its powers and 12 staff members be convicted of their involvement, including using UNRWA vehicles and facilities during the genocide. Arguing that Israeli intelligence information should be leaked to New York. Times. Later, the Wall Street Journal reported that one in 10 UNRW employees is either an active member of or has ties to Hamas or Palestinian Islamic Jihad. The route of aid delivery to Israel is controversial When Hamas cut food prices in April, Gaza residents told TPS - let's say the problem was not a lack of food, but that families lacked money to buy it "Don't feed Hamas" is a common slogan in Israeli demonstrations against humanitarian aid deliveries, and families of hostages have called on the government to avail aid to information, access and freedom for their captive loved ones on 7 October Hamas attacks on Israeli communities near the Gaza border killed at least 1,200 people and took 240 Israelis and foreigners hostage. Of the remaining 133 hostages, about 30 are presumed dead.