WASHINGTON (AP) — A US court has punished a branch of the California state government in a race discrimination case against Cisco that touched on broader issues of free speech and religious freedom.

The case, which had drawn extensive scrutiny and criticism of Indian-American managers Sundar Iyer and Ramana Kompela, ended in a verdict that awarded Cisco Systems a symbolic US$2,000 in sanctions against the California Department of Civil Rights (CRD).

Richa Gautam, founder of Castfiles, emphasized the broader implications of this decision and highlighted how the flawed Cisco case was used to stigmatize an entire community, an unscientific Equality Labs survey that was based on a key piece of questionable evidence. Was working as.

In a statement, Gautam said the survey data was inappropriately cited by academics and the media, leading to a widespread but misleading narrative of rampant caste discrimination among Indian-Americans.

The CRD, formerly known as the Department of Fair Employment and Housing (DFEH), was accused of unfairly targeting Iyer and Kompela and labeling them as perpetrators of race discrimination.However, a whistleblower website exposed evidence of prosecution misconduct and fabrications by the CRD, exposing flaws in the case, the statement said.

“This decision is particularly important given the challenging business environment in Silicon Valley, where companies like Riot Games and Tesla have faced substantial financial penalties over discrimination allegations for aggressively pursuing payments and refusing to mediate.” CRD is often criticized as a "bounty hunter", said Cast Files.

Abhijeet Bagal of Castfiles pointed out several inconsistencies in the case.He explained how the caste narrative used against Iyer and Kompela was misleading and underlined the CRD's failure to provide a fair trial.

This misrepresentation had widespread social consequences, he said, with Hindu Americans facing increasing hostility and discrimination in a variety of settings, from schools to workplaces.

The dismissal of charges against Iyer and Kompela in April 2023 was a moment of celebration for the Indian-American community in Silicon Valley.

"Despite this, the CRD continued to pursue the case against Cisco Systems, a move that many saw as a sign of a weakened case. A subsequent sanctions motion against the CRD resulted in a fine of US$2,000 in May 2024. The fine imposed has exposed the agency's missteps and brought considerable embarrassment,'' Caste Files said.“The landmark verdict against CRD in the Cisco caste discrimination case is an important victory for Silicon Valley companies and Hindu American civil rights. It underscores the importance of fair and accurate representation in legal proceedings and highlights the dangers of prosecutorial overreach Is."

"This case is a reminder of the need for vigilance to protect the rights of all communities and ensure that justice is based on truth and integrity," the statement said."