According to an official statement, Uttar Pradesh Police highlighted its prompt response to suicide-related posts on social media platforms based on information from Meta Company.

From January 1, 2023 to June 15, 2024, they immediately notified victims and their families through direct communication to effectively prevent suicides.

Under this system, whenever a post related to suicide appears on Facebook or Instagram, Meta Company Headquarters immediately alerts the Police Social Media Center through phone and email.

The Social Media Center at Headquarters, which operates 24x7, acts swiftly on receiving these alerts.

Integrated with the Uttar Pradesh Special Task Force server, it identifies the location of the author of the post and forwards the case to 'UP-112' and the concerned district for immediate action.

Using the space provided by 'UP-112' or the local police meta, they reach out to the victim and their family.

During the period from January 1, 2023 to June 15, 2024, the social media center received approximately 740 alerts from the Meta company, which resulted in saving 457 lives.

In other cases, challenges such as obscure or densely populated locations, cases coming from other states, or phone shutdowns prevented local police from reaching the victim.