The government has now exempted UP farmers from the requirement of obtaining permission from any government department for pruning mango trees.

Mango farmers can simply prune mango trees and reduce their height to improve their productivity.

This decision simplifies the management of the vegetation cover of the old mango orchards and its positive effects will be evident in the coming years. Canopy management will rejuvenate old mango orchards, making them as productive as new ones.

As a result, not only will production increase, but the quality of the fruits will also improve, opening new doors to export opportunities.

Notably, mango is an important fruit in Uttar Pradesh. The state produces 4.5 million tons of mangoes in 260,000 hectares of cultivation. About 40 percent (approximately 100,000 hectares) of these orchards are over forty years old.

In old orchards, the number of new leaves and branches, essential for flowering and fruiting, has decreased. On the other hand, thick and tangled branches abound, which prevent adequate light from reaching the interior.

These conditions lead to increased insect infestations and diseases and make it difficult to effectively apply pesticides. Consequently, the sprayed medicine often does not reach the inner parts of the trees, leading to increased use of pesticides and environmental pollution. The productivity of these orchards is just 7 tons per hectare, while well-managed orchards can produce between 12 and 14 tons per hectare.

To address these issues, the Central Institute of Subtropical Horticulture has developed a suitable pruning technique to renew these mango trees.

This method, known as tertiary branch pruning or table pruning, not only opens the tree's crown and reduces its height but also promotes a healthier environment.

With this pruning technique, trees can begin to produce 100 kg per tree in just 2 to 3 years, while reducing the need for excessive use of pesticides.

According to Sushil Kumar Shukla, senior scientist at the Central Institute of Subtropical Horticulture (affiliated with the Indian Council of Agricultural Research in Rehmankheda, Lucknow), scientific canopy management of young plants and orchards older than 15 years from the time of sowing will help facilitate maintenance, timely protection and measures for better flowering and fruiting. This approach will improve both production and quality, increasing export opportunities.

You can cut the main stem between 60 and 90 cm at the beginning. This will give the rest of the branches a chance to grow better. In the early years (1 to 5 years), you can also try to give the plants proper structure by tying these branches with twine or hanging stones, etc.

In orchards with normal production capacity, where branches begin to drag over neighboring trees, crown management through pruning is essential. Proper canopy management at this stage can eliminate the need for future renewal.

This approach is crucial for orchards that are 30 years old or older, many of which become unproductive or unprofitable due to lack of canopy management.

According to Sushil Kumar Shukla, instead of cutting all the main branches at once in December-January for canopy management, it is necessary to remove the main branch that grows upwards and blocks the light.