London, universities and student groups on Tuesday urgently lobbied British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak to defend the country's post-study visa proposal, which allows Indians to gain about two years of work experience at the end of their university degrees. Allows. Dominating.

Amid reports that Sunak is considering restricting or abolishing the undergraduate pathway to reduce rising migration figures ahead of the general elections, a group of nearly 30 university vice-chancellors and the National Indian Students and Alumni Association (NISAU) UK The group has issued detailed appeal letters. been issued. To 1 Downing Street.

They list a number of factors in favor of keeping the graduate visa scheme unchanged, including the benefits that international students bring to the UK economy in the competitive global higher education market.

“Modeling by consultancy London Economics shows that a single cluster brings economic benefits to the UK economy of GBP 37 billion; The NISA UK letter addressed to Sunak reads, “And Britain's international graduates generate soft power for the country over time, including furthering trade and diplomacy relationships.“In fact, 70 per cent of Indian students tell us that the ability to gain meaningful work experience is a key element of their decision to choose between competitive international destinations, of which the UK is one… The graduate route is a great way to achieve this This method provides the opportunity for temporary period work experience. It is not extendable and does not count towards permanent settlement. This means that neither students nor graduate visa holders are eligible for the long-term picture of migration. are considered 'immigrants', it notes.

His appeal comes a week after the influential Migration Advisory Committee (MAC) advised the government to continue with the scheme as it found no abuses in offering post-study work.It also confirmed that Indians are on top, accounting for 89,200 visas or 42 per cent of the total grants between 2021 and 2023, and are likely to be "most affected by any restrictions on graduation pathways".

In their letter to Sunak, universities in the north of England from Sunderland to Sheffield, Leeds to Lancaster, Liverpool to Teesside, Bradford to Huddersfield and York to Newcastle said removing or reducing this visa would harm them all. It is "an intrinsic part of the educational offering that has made the UK so attractive to talented students from around the world".

“Students in key markets like India are increasingly viewing the graduate visa route as an integral part of their educational experience. The MAC review made clear that removing this pathway would make the UK less attractive and thus cause significant financial loss to universities across the country,” read their joint letter.“International student tuition fee income has long been under-researched and with frozen tuition fees it has become important to cross-subsidise the tuition of UK undergraduate students. “Without alternative funding sources, universities cannot continue to meet the costs of teaching UK graduate students,” he cautions. In addition to their visa fees, international students looking for work and star professions have to pay income tax, national Contribute billions of pounds annually in insurance and other expenses. VAT. University leaders say they also contribute to the National Health Service (NHS), usually through the NHS surcharge.

The Russell Group of the UK's leading universities issued its appeal last weekend, with CEO Tim Bradshaw warning that international applications for postgraduate courses starting this September are already down 10 per cent in the wake of restrictions on students.Able to bring dependent family members.

“A further ban on international students would not only be unnecessary as numbers are already falling – but also harmful, resulting in less spending in local communities and fewer opportunities for domestic students,” he said in a letter to Sunak. " And your research will be reduced.

Members of his own Cabinet are understood to be opposed to any changes to the graduation scheme, but the British Prime Minister is having to balance pressure from the ruling Conservatives, who are focused on demanding curbs on all forms of legalization. And also the level of illegal migration ahead of elections later this year.