The world body highlighted rising tensions after an increase in firing between Lebanese and Israeli forces on Friday, Xinhua news agency reported.

This latest escalation of hostilities, which occurred on Thursday, "increases the risk of full-scale war", according to a note from the Office of the Spokesperson for the UN Secretary-General.

The note underlined the need for restraint, saying, "Escalation can and must be avoided. We reiterate that the risk of a sudden and widespread confrontation due to miscalculation is real," and that Emphasizing that "political and diplomatic solutions are the only viable way forward." Ahead".

The same day, UN Special Coordinator for Lebanon Jeanine Hennis-Plasschaert spoke with key Lebanese officials, including Parliament Speaker Nabih Berri and Prime Minister Najib Mikati, to discuss the urgency of reducing tensions along the Blue Line.

The UN note also reiterated the call for an immediate cessation of hostilities by the UN Interim Force in Lebanon and a renewed commitment to Security Council Resolution 1701, which was adopted in August 2006 immediately after a month of deadly fighting. Was adopted for termination. Israel and Hezbollah ended with a fragile ceasefire.