New Delhi: A Rs 2254.43 crore scheme to create forensic infrastructure in the country, including setting up new complexes and laboratories, was approved by the government on Wednesday.

A meeting of the Union Cabinet chaired by Prime Minister Narendra Modi has approved the National Forensic Infrastructure Enhancement Scheme (NFLES), a central sector project with a total financial outlay of Rs 2254.43 crore to be implemented during 2024-25 to 2028-29. Gave. , an official release said.

It said that under the scheme, forensic complexes and laboratories will be established and other infrastructure will be enhanced.

The financial outlay of the scheme will be provided by the Ministry of Home Affairs from its budget.Under the scheme, National Forensic Science University (NFSU) campuses will be established and Central Forensic Science Laboratories will be established across the country.

The existing infrastructure of NFSU's Delhi campus will also be enhanced.

The release said that the Government of India is committed to establishing an effective and efficient criminal justice system based on scientific and timely forensic investigation of evidence.

The plan underlines the importance of high-quality, trained forensic professionals in the timely and scientific investigation of evidence for an efficient criminal justice process, taking advantage of advances in technology and evolving manifestations and methods of crime.

With the enactment of new criminal laws, which make forensic investigation mandatory for crimes punishable with 7 years or more, the workload of forensic science laboratories is expected to increase significantly.The Indian Judicial Code 2023, the Indian Civil Defense Code 2023 and the Indian Evidence Act 2023, enacted last year, will come into force from July 1.

These laws are set to replace the British-era Indian Penal Code, Code of Criminal Procedure and the Indian Evidence Act respectively.

Furthermore, there is an acute shortage of trained forensic manpower in Forensic Science Laboratories (FSL) in the country.

The release said that to meet this increased demand, significant investment and enhancement in the national forensic infrastructure is necessary.

The establishment of additional off-campus at NFSU and new Central Forensic Science Laboratories will address the shortage of trained forensic manpower, reduce case load and pendency of forensic laboratories and will be in line with the Government of India's goal of achieving higher conviction rates.More than 90 percent, it said.