In Astana [Kazakhstan], UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres urged global solidarity amid "difficult global conditions," while expressing gratitude for Kazakhstan's warm reception and highlighting the role of the Cooperation Organization of Shanghai (SCO) as a crucial partner of the United Nations.

In a speech at the SCO summit in Astana, Guterres highlighted pressing global challenges and emphasized the need for collective action above individual efforts. "These global challenges cannot be solved country by country," he said, pointing to "bitter wars, geopolitical divisions and an epidemic of impunity."

The Secretary-General highlighted the central role of multilateralism supported by the United Nations, which advocates peace as a prerequisite for sustainable development and the enjoyment of human rights around the world. He called for immediate action in conflict zones such as Gaza, Ukraine and Afghanistan, urging humanitarian ceasefires and inclusive governance.

Addressing the climate crisis, Guterres emphasized the urgency of ambitious emissions reductions and climate justice, noting: "Our climate is collapsing, threatening water and food security, and fueling political instability."

He urged developed countries to make stronger commitments and innovative financing mechanisms to support climate action.

On the digital front, Guterres highlighted the potential of artificial intelligence to drive sustainable development, while warning against its unregulated use. He proposed international frameworks for AI governance and emphasized the need for inclusive global participation in shaping AI policies.

The Secretary-General called for reforms to global governance institutions, calling them outdated and inadequate to address contemporary challenges. He proposed reforms to the UN Security Council and advocated for a new global agenda that reflects the realities of today's world.

Guterres concluded on an optimistic note and called for unity at the upcoming Future Summit in September. "This is an important moment for the world to move forward together," he said, inviting world leaders to New York for crucial discussions on international reforms and cooperation.