The UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) said on Monday that the Israeli military on Sunday and Monday ordered tens of thousands of people living in 19 apartment blocks in Gaza City to evacuate immediately.

On Sunday, some residents were ordered to evacuate west of Gaza City, while Monday's order included areas where people had fled a day earlier and ordered them to evacuate to shelters in Deir al Balah, the agency reported. Xinhua News.

"The two directly affected areas encompass 13 health facilities that were recently operational, including two hospitals, two primary health care centers and nine medical points," OCHA said, adding that 13 of the 36 hospitals in the Gaza Strip They are only partially functional. The office said that, with an estimated nine in 10 people displaced in Gaza, new waves of displacement are mainly affecting people who have already been displaced several times, only to be forced to flee again. under the bombings. They were forced to repeatedly rebuild their lives without any of their belongings or any prospect of finding safety or reliable access to essential services.

"People, especially children, spend long hours queuing to collect water every day," OCHA said.

"Access to emergency medical care is also a challenge, particularly given limited communications coverage to contact emergency services, high transportation costs to reach hospitals ($26 round trip), and long distance walk of at least 3 km to reach the nearest medical point."In northern Gaza, aid partners particularly highlighted the lack of safe shelters for up to 80,000 internally displaced people who were forced to hastily flee Shuja'iyeh and other parts of eastern Gaza City following evacuation orders at the end of June. Many were found sleeping among solid waste and rubble, without mattresses or sufficient clothing, and some had sought refuge in UN facilities and partially destroyed residential buildings.

The Israeli military designated these same areas as evacuation zones, forcing many of the same families, including young children and the elderly, to undergo successive waves of displacement over the past two weeks, the office said.

OCHA said insecurity, damaged roads, disruption of public order and access limitations continue to hamper movement along the main humanitarian cargo route between the Kerem Shalom crossing and Khan Younis and Deir al Balah." "This has led to critical shortages of fuel and relief products to sustain humanitarian operations, as well as increasing the risk of deterioration and infestation of abandoned supplies (especially food) due to extremely high temperatures," the office added.

Humanitarians said the Food Security Sector (FSS) reports that shortages forced partners to provide reduced food rations in central and southern Gaza in June and undermined their ability to keep bakeries and community kitchens operating.

According to OCHA, only seven of the 18 bakeries supported by humanitarian partners remain operational in Gaza, all in Deir al Balah, and six bakeries already operating at partial capacity have been forced to completely cease operations due to lack of fuel. The office said that in the absence of cooking gas and a stable flow of food supplies, community kitchens are also struggling to operate, resulting in a reduction in the number of cooked meals prepared throughout Gaza.

By the end of June, around 600,000 cooked meals prepared in 190 kitchens were distributed daily to families across the strip, compared to more than 700,000 in the first half of June.

OCHA said this meant displaced households were relying on burning wood and plastic from furniture and waste for cooking, exacerbating health and environmental risks. Regarding cooking, humanitarian partners said who continue to distribute wheat flour and canned foods entering northern Gaza through the West Erez crossing. No commercial trucks have entered the area for months.

A joint assessment by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations and the United Nations Satellite Center estimated that about 57 percent of Gaza's cropland and a third of its greenhouses were damaged.

The FSS reported an almost complete lack of protein sources, such as meat and poultry, in the local market, and only a few types of locally produced vegetables are available at unaffordable prices. The sector reported that the continued military operations in Rafah and the Recent displacement from eastern Khan Younis, where significant agricultural production was concentrated before the war, has caused additional damage to the greenhouses. It forced more people to leave their farms unattended, further destabilizing food systems.

OCHA said that on Friday Doctors Without Borders (MSF) reported that its teams at the Nasser Medical Complex were "running on emergency medical stock" and that all departments were overwhelmed with patients, far exceeding available bed capacity.

MSF said the Nasser Medical Complex is the main site that field hospitals rely on to sterilize their equipment, and if the facility loses power, several field hospitals will also stop operating. It said the hospital has been unable to bring in supplies medics to Gaza since late April, including most recently on Wednesday, when Israeli authorities denied entry to the Gaza Strip to trucks carrying MSF medical aid due to ongoing hostilities.